Three Defense Turrets Max For Healing Structures?
Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 1922Members

Last night I was setting up an offensive base for attacking the marine stronghold. Typically I build offense and defense towers to a 1:1 ratio... maybe even more defense than that. It can make a virtually impregnable fortification.
Ok, so I know that 3 defense towers give you the maximum from an upgrade standpoint. I also know that more defense towers heal you faster by stacking the healing (even past 3). HOWEVER someone tried to tell me that as far as healing structures, healing maxes out at 3 defense towers within proximity to the structure in question. Is this right? I hadn't heard anything about that.
Ok, so I know that 3 defense towers give you the maximum from an upgrade standpoint. I also know that more defense towers heal you faster by stacking the healing (even past 3). HOWEVER someone tried to tell me that as far as healing structures, healing maxes out at 3 defense towers within proximity to the structure in question. Is this right? I hadn't heard anything about that.
And no, this isn't a 'nerf the aliens' post. I play aliens 90% of the time.
The way I saw it working was something like this ...
Each DC makes a "healing pulse" every so often. This heals the a percentage of HP/AP. However, you can only be affected by 3 healing pulses per second.
Your max healing per second is still 3 pulses worth - but you're a lot less likely to be standing around waiting for "Glug .......... Glug ........ Glug ......... " and being shot inbetween. Instead, each chamber is working on its own cycle, and thus sounds like "Glug Glug Glug ........................................"
Okay, enough outta me.
- M4H
Ok, but that only applies for structures right? I know for a fact that I heal like a maniac when I'm near 5 or 6 DC's. Much moreso than only 3.
I know for a fact that laying down 6 def's will heal you 2X as fast as 3 def's. While very advantageous to the aliens, it is a tad extream, and I would like to see it capped at 3 for effect on players. This will help cut down on the chamber spam you see in some servers as well.
No. I was getting healed at least 50 hp a second with around 6 or 7 chambers.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->HOWEVER someone tried to tell me that as far as healing structures, healing maxes out at 3 defense towers within proximity to the structure in question. Is this right?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
No. Last night the aliens had about 8 defense chambers behind every group of offense chambers. You couldn't hurt those things with a nuke.
I'm not sure whether or not DC's cap at 3, but they are supposed to. If they don't, assume it will be fixed soon. Also, if you're healing a whole bunch at once - what class are you? Onos will heal much faster than a skulk, because the healing rate is percentile, not numeric.
Also it has to be true because ive seen 2-3 seiges take out offense chambers easily when they only have 3 def chambers healing them, but in one game a gorge built the max and max offense chambers near our spawn, in the aft juntion room on bast. We build like 9 seige turrets and we didnt even kill 1 chamber untill i snuck up behind them with a HMG and laid into 1 def chamber at a time full auto.