The "give Maps Ideas" Post
Join Date: 2004-03-04 Member: 27137Members

This post consist to give some ideas of maps for mappers. I love to map but i never have an idea. Like the ambiance, emplacement and all that crap.
Maybe if someone who dont know how to map can post a minimap made in paint brush and a name so the mappers can have fun.
Good or bad idea ? Thx
Maybe if someone who dont know how to map can post a minimap made in paint brush and a name so the mappers can have fun.
Good or bad idea ? Thx
Most Maps are set in a Marine Environment (Abandoned outpost, Spaceship.. Whatever) where the aliens have taken over a couple of rooms...
now, wouldnt it be cool to set it on a planet... .. now heres a verbal (well typed) description of the map..
Imagine marine start is a landing pad on a planet, and theres 2 "cave" entrances to the under-tunnels on the planet.. (mind visions growing, WOW the sexeh launch pad.. any who)
Within the tunnels you find a network of maze like tunnels, which ultimatly lead to the "Queen Hive" (Central) however you have to either go through the other 2 maps to it, or build a Mine shaft style lift and send down a train of heavy armours (the lift can be accomplished by welding a series of weldables, say 5 points around the map.)
there could be a back way into the hive (maybe a breakable which takes ALOT of hitting, (like an explosion on break... to add atmosphere)
But the whole scene is like the aliens home world... all on a planet, in caves, pleanty of rock infestation about everywhere <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
This is intended as an NS map (Not combat)
Let me know what you think any ways <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I don't think that's how a URL works...
Ihave had that map idea for a long time...
The other map idea is to make say 4-6 big rooms with usual texture on it. And cover the walls with shelves and put boxes there, so it would be as a storage infested with alien. And one box is turned over and alien scum has come out of it with alien and this the main infested room <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> Put some elevators too on the shelves and ok. And add some vents too at the top. Upper area of the shelves (where the vent is) is a good place for skulks <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
This can be a co- or ns_map... But co maps just suck, so ns would be better I think.
But if we talk about an atmosphere and such stuff, then most of the NS map places are some kind of human strucktures where humans worked a while... So when it is a workplace, then it needs a toilet for instance. I saw a good toilet in one NS_stargate map yesterday, it wasn't some kind of metallic crap, it really looked like a toilet, covered with stone plates and stuff. So, when you add a cafeteria, then make it real, make it be comfortable for workers who once worked there. And if not, then make a comfortable cafeteria and mess it with alien crap or just ruin it like it once WAS comfortable but it isn't anymore.
I have seen cafeterias and bars in NS maps but they are all plain and doesn't really look like cafeterias...
Anyways - I disagree with the idea of mappers who need to ask for ideas for maps. I mean seriously, unless you are part of a team of mappers or making a map for a mod which has specific storyline information, if you are mapper and you can't even think up your own maps - that's pretty sad...
That said - there are some people who can't map and who can only come up with ideas - so all power to those people who like to give out ideas..but please, don't disguise your own mappers block and desire to get free ideas with "lets share ideas!"..
This isn't supposed to be a flame - but I guess, from another angle, if people would just listen to me when I say that backstory is the key to good maps - I wouldn't have this problem...
Come on guys - as mappers, especially for ns, we aren't simply supposed to be architects - we are meant to be story-tellers too..
Now I'm confusing myself. Am I for or against this thread: I am all for backstorys and well thought out ideas... I am against giving people the easy option of thinking for them...
It's late..
Idea #1: "NS_Asteroid" Set onboard a scuttled* ship that has crashed onto a small asteroid. The Ship's detonation wasnt total, a large section survived and crashed into the asteroid, The Bacterium survived and has taken over a nanosludge generation facility on the asteroid. The crew of the facility sent out a distress call before they were wiped out.
The map is split between 4 sections, connected by tunnels and lighted walkways.
Hive 1/section 1: T.S.A.S. Schwarzer
Description: The command section of the once mighty Command Carrier T.S.A.S. Schwarzer, Severe damage to the entire thing (maybe have the remains upside down or or a severe angle?) Hive hanging on the bridge over (under isf upsidedown) a cooked/infested CC. (A cookie to whoever discovere where i got the name of the command carrier from). The surrounding areas should be extremely wartorn (Huge holes in the deckplate and walls, severe scorching, flickering lights) all entrences and exits got to look charred
Hive 2/section 2: Primary NanoSludge Generator
Description: "The NanoSludge generator looked like a massive metal spider, the large nanosteel tubes jetting out of the floor like massive brass fingers, spreading thoughout the facility as if grasping it. The once shining floors were dull and barely visible though the living carpet, Tendrils ensnarled around conduits, Distorting the very dimensions of the room as the giant bringer of distruction sprouted out of the bacterial womb..." Sgt. Susan Donim, Advanced scout.
The original facility on the Asteroid, capable of generating vast amouts of nanosludge from the minerals in the asteroid. Most of the corridors are pristine, well, as pristine as NS gets. The infestaton is concentrated at the generator. Crew quarters, command, the mess hall, are all within a short distance of the central core.
Hive 3/ Section 3: Distribution Hub
Discription: A Prefab Stardock, large enough to house a trio of Nanite tankers, jammed into a crater, with a network of tunnels carved into the rock, lit with a string of H.O.E.L. (High Output Electro Lumminecent) wire. floor plating bolted directly to the rock, a network of air ducts crisscrossing the tunnels, and a gargantuan "Phat Pipe" NanoConduit running through the ceiling. Hive is within the "Carcass" of one of the Nanotankers. Stardock is crisscrossed with bacterium strands, lights should be out and emergenct lighting should be on (red, lots of red, and darkenss)
Marine Spawn/ Section 4: Landing pad
Discription: The original stardock, carved out of a crater by explosives and abandoned by the base personel after completing the Hub. Large airlock door in the ceiling, smaller airlock door leading towards the main facility.(Hallway after the airlock door full of boxes maybe?) A hole has been bored through the opposite wall by a large Kahraa creature (maybe a large empty Carapace laying near the hole) leading towards the wreck of the Schwarzer. (corridor looks freshly dug, more "organic" looking). A small room near the landing pad houses a Resnode (the PhatPipe's Predecessor, somewhat "beefier" than a normal node). CC is onboard the Dropship (Think of the dropship as a Huey during the vietnam war, Bench seating on both sides, a ramp down to get out, a a CC against the wall opposite of the door. ) Lighting should be spotlights aimed at the dropship/airlock. Door leading to the facility should have a noise when opening, (possibly an alarm that can be heard through the facility?)
Construction: Basic idea is that the MS is on a higher plain than the remainder of the base, Corridors and tunnels connecting it lead downwards. Nanosludge facility connects to the distribution Hub by a series of tunnels set in a "fire escape " design (Steps leading up, landing, steps leading up...). The wreck is at the very bottom, connecting up by tendtil-y tunnels (see diagram) and a very large drillshaft (drill at the bottom, in a cavern where the Schwarzer is.)
*Scuttled: Naval term meaning self destructed
Idea #1: "NS_Asteroid" Set onboard a scuttled* ship that has crashed onto a small asteroid. The Ship's detonation wasnt total, a large section survived and crashed into the asteroid, The Bacterium survived and has taken over a nanosludge generation facility on the asteroid. The crew of the facility sent out a distress call before they were wiped out.
The map is split between 4 sections, connected by tunnels and lighted walkways.
Hive 1/section 1: T.S.A.S. Schwarzer
Description: The command section of the once mighty Command Carrier T.S.A.S. Schwarzer, Severe damage to the entire thing (maybe have the remains upside down or or a severe angle?) Hive hanging on the bridge over (under isf upsidedown) a cooked/infested CC. (A cookie to whoever discovere where i got the name of the command carrier from). The surrounding areas should be extremely wartorn (Huge holes in the deckplate and walls, severe scorching, flickering lights) all entrences and exits got to look charred
Hive 2/section 2: Primary NanoSludge Generator
Description: "The NanoSludge generator looked like a massive metal spider, the large nanosteel tubes jetting out of the floor like massive brass fingers, spreading thoughout the facility as if grasping it. The once shining floors were dull and barely visible though the living carpet, Tendrils ensnarled around conduits, Distorting the very dimensions of the room as the giant bringer of distruction sprouted out of the bacterial womb..." Sgt. Susan Donim, Advanced scout.
The original facility on the Asteroid, capable of generating vast amouts of nanosludge from the minerals in the asteroid. Most of the corridors are pristine, well, as pristine as NS gets. The infestaton is concentrated at the generator. Crew quarters, command, the mess hall, are all within a short distance of the central core.
Hive 3/ Section 3: Distribution Hub
Discription: A Prefab Stardock, large enough to house a trio of Nanite tankers, jammed into a crater, with a network of tunnels carved into the rock, lit with a string of H.O.E.L. (High Output Electro Lumminecent) wire. floor plating bolted directly to the rock, a network of air ducts crisscrossing the tunnels, and a gargantuan "Phat Pipe" NanoConduit running through the ceiling. Hive is within the "Carcass" of one of the Nanotankers. Stardock is crisscrossed with bacterium strands, lights should be out and emergenct lighting should be on (red, lots of red, and darkenss)
Marine Spawn/ Section 4: Landing pad
Discription: The original stardock, carved out of a crater by explosives and abandoned by the base personel after completing the Hub. Large airlock door in the ceiling, smaller airlock door leading towards the main facility.(Hallway after the airlock door full of boxes maybe?) A hole has been bored through the opposite wall by a large Kahraa creature (maybe a large empty Carapace laying near the hole) leading towards the wreck of the Schwarzer. (corridor looks freshly dug, more "organic" looking). A small room near the landing pad houses a Resnode (the PhatPipe's Predecessor, somewhat "beefier" than a normal node). CC is onboard the Dropship (Think of the dropship as a Huey during the vietnam war, Bench seating on both sides, a ramp down to get out, a a CC against the wall opposite of the door. ) Lighting should be spotlights aimed at the dropship/airlock. Door leading to the facility should have a noise when opening, (possibly an alarm that can be heard through the facility?)
Construction: Basic idea is that the MS is on a higher plain than the remainder of the base, Corridors and tunnels connecting it lead downwards. Nanosludge facility connects to the distribution Hub by a series of tunnels set in a "fire escape " design (Steps leading up, landing, steps leading up...). The wreck is at the very bottom, connecting up by tendtil-y tunnels (see diagram) and a very large drillshaft (drill at the bottom, in a cavern where the Schwarzer is.)
*Scuttled: Naval term meaning self destructed <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> u mean a 3 hive conceting directly with ms and the between rooms, and i remove u second choice a midle ms and 3 hives around very hard to balance.
u have some sort of texture preference on your map i will shape u jsut specify the textures man.
MS has a gritty, old and abandoned look
The wreck Hive has a scorched, infestation ridden look
Nanosludge Refienery has a Cleaner, nicer "Ns_Veil"-ish look
Distro hub has a prefab look, simmilar to Nancy
the Kahraa tunnel connecting to MS is basically a vent, as are the remainder of the Kahraa tunnels, the Marine tunnels are larger and passible by the higher lifeforms, the vent is a tight fit for a LA rene.
This map was actually originally designed as a Marine Ship docking with an 'abandoned' vessel of some sort (research, scouting, supply, diplomatic). I wanted to have two airlocks that would look onto eachother so you'd see someone crossing in the other one (knowing they were on the other side of the level and you couldn't do anything about it!). The scenario was that a team had boarded the vessel to investigate and hadn't reported in since their departure. The Marine commander has become inscreasingly worried when half of the ship's power goes down! As Marines you have been mobilised to both search for your scouting party and to find out what has suddenly started draining power from your ship! As Aliens you either start on the unidentified vessel or on the Marine ship in the unpowered of their two Generators. As Marines make their way through their own ship they find more and more systems are down, lights are dim and in places almost non-existant. That is until they shotgun rush the Alien hive end-of-story.
Anyway, for some reason I thought that it might be difficult to ensure that the Hive on the Marine ship would be as equally connected to the rest of the map as the other two. So this idea morphed into what I have now. However, if anyone wants to use this idea to make a super-cool map then please do! I'd enjoy seeing how it might turn out!
I have a few other ideas but I'm keeping them to myself until I've started work on them... <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
jurrasic park with gravy !