Better Hives And Gardens

VerdorbenVerdorben Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8121Members
edited November 2002 in Kharaa Strategy
<div class="IPBDescription">Tips for you gorges.</div> As everyone knows (maybe), the gorge is probably one of the best aliens in the game. What others can build, heal, and trap silly marines in webs? None. I'll go into detail over many tricks and someuseful information.

I. Lets start with a brief overview of its slew of weaponry:

1. Spit - This does, If I recall, 16 damage. Not too useful except with assisting your offense chambers, but even then you'd be better off sitting there healing them up with your defense chambers and spray. I personally <b>never</b> use this.

2. Health Spray - Damn useful. Good for healing wandering aliens, chambers, or sneaking up on a heavily damage marine and putting it down. Despite how it looks, it DOES have a bit of range to it. If a defense is getting hammered by non-explosives, feel free to sit behind it with defense chambers and heal it.

3. Web - Perhaps one of the most useful skills a gorge has. It slows/immobilizes (sp?) a marine, and takes its weapon away for SIX SECONDS! (I'll go into a tactic for this later) What else can **obscenity** a marine over like a good hidden web near a pack of offense chambers?

4. Babblers - Ugh. I have yet to find a good use for these, and might never. I've never done damage or made a kill with these. If you've got any use for these, please post it. I'll add it to this post.

II. Tips for weapons:

1. Spit

a. Maybe useful for covering your Offense chambers in an attack, or assisting a kharaa buddy. But not much else.

2. Health Spray

a. Its nice to be able to be a portable healer without building a defense chamber. A defense chamber can get pounded by a siege as you build it, and splatter you all over the surrounding terrain.

b. See a marine that just got nearly killed by a pack of offense chambers? Sneak up and end his life with this semi-deadly spray.

c. If no sieges are nearby, sit up against your buildings and spray like theres no tomorrow (if they are under attack), since this will assist defense chambers in healing.

d. Act as a medic. Follow your friendly neighborhood onos/fade and heal them up. They'll appreciate this in the long run! (note: after their health is full, keep spraying for two reasons: 1. To keep healing, 2. The armor isn't shown in the health bar)

3. Web

a. When placing webs, overlap the same one maybe once or twice for an extra effect!

b. Also when placing, shoot the web along the ground, not the walls. I get so **obscenity** seeing webs scattered everywhere. A marine with a welder that sees them make the very useless.

c. In conjunction with a and b, place it diagnolly (sp?) on a bend and around the bend have 4-5 offense chambers. Why? The marine gets stuck/incredibly slow for X (x being the number of overlapped webs) seconds and can't fire for X seconds. This makes them chamber fodder.

d. Work with your team on traps. Get a strong melee warrior, a scout and a gorge. Have the melee warrior cloak in a hall, the gorge place 3-4 overlapped webs, and the scout run off to lure a lone marine. Get the marine to cross the webbing (getting him stuck/unable to fire) and then have your melee buddy hack him to pieces.

e. Place visible webs. It will deter nearby marines if your going for a stacked up wall. Protects you until they get a welder, which can take some time unless they have a good comm and a player who reports it promptly (Taken from Chompy's Post)

4. Babblers

a. None whatsoever. Please suggest some tactics.

III. Different abilities and their uses for gorges (I'll go chamber by chamber on this)

1. Defense Chamber

a. Carapace - I find this to be utterly <i>pointless</i> for a gorge. It need not waste getting this since it will probably NOT be involved in combat! (And if you are, your dead anyway unless you can get away or an alien saves you)

b. Regeneration - A bit more useful, but barely. You'll be living, eating and sleeping near defense chambers probably, so why bother really? good if a marine is chasing you though!

c. Redemption - So you get caught in a long hall, a pack of marines chases you down and cuts you but wait.. You disappear into thin air. Thats right, you live to see another day of building! The most useful skill a gorge can have from the defense chambers.

2. Movement Chamber

a. Adrenaline - This is the #1 evolution for gorges under the movement section. If you need a constant spray, or to layer quickly with webs, you will need this. At level 3 the bonus is nearly double (round 99% to 100%, and it is).

b. Celerity - Do you really need to use this? You can still waddle your **obscenity** down a hall without it at a reasonable rate. Its not too useful. The trade off of speed for adrenaline isn't worth it though.

c. Silence - Again, not worth it. This is more for assassin types. The gorge is a builder, not some loner who cloaks in a hall and takes down 3-4 marines!

3. Sensory Chamber

a. Cloaking - Quite useful if I might say so myself. If a marine chases you, turn the corner and stop moving then cloak. He'll scratch his head and turn around (or continue on).

b. Enhanced Vision - Since you'll be behind buildings most of the time, being able to spot marines easier will just confuse you, and you might accidently thing they are part of the buildings. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

c. Sense of fear - Remember how I spoke of killing that lone wounded marine? This will spot that lone wounded marine for you, Or spot allies who are wounded (It'd be really nice to see a color difference. Imagine walking to a possible ally and finding out you've just stumbled into that base with 20 turrets you've heard so much about). But for killing off marines, its useful.

IV. Your chambers and you (a brief description of structures and some tips)

1. Hive

a. The treasure trove of alien DNA and creation. Its where you spawn and allows new evolutions and a new chamber type.

2. Resource Towers

a. These gather your resources and pump them into your team. On a side note, you should build defenses before the resource tower unless its very early into the game.

3. Offense Chambers

a. Your main defense. These are more damaging than turrets (i think), mind you. But are susceptible to sieges and grenades. Back these up with 3 defense chambers.

b. Do not place in long halls. It gives marines the chance to pepper them with grenades/hmg before getting up closer. Place them hidden around a bend (but not so they can be grenaded). Use with the Web Tip (letter c) above.

c. I saw this on one game and it was surprising. Put 1 offense chamber at each entrance but not so the inner section can be seen of the hive area. This will feign marines into a false security! Then place a mass of offense chambers and 3 defense inside. This will set the possibly unprepared marines up for a death(works only once unless you recapture the hive if you lose it).

3. Defense Chamber

a. This should be the FIRST CHAMBER GOTTEN out of the 3 "Hive-Chambers".

b. This will heal nearby aliens and buildings also, which is useful.

c. If sieges are nearby but end up getting disabled, make these near the enemy base to save your Kharaa buddies a world of hurt.

d. Always pepper defense chambers within your offense chamber setups. This keeps the offense chambers alive longer. and also repairs other defense chambers.

4. Movement chamber

a. This should be the second chamber gotten. It lets you dash between hives quickly.

b. Put these in hives and your expansions. If a hive suddenly is under attack, use the movement to get there faster (this applies to all aliens).

5. Sensory Chambers

a. These should be gotten last, as they don't provide much defense assistance.

b. Hide them around a corner and hope a marine whos dashing to a location bumps into it. This parasites them instantly and lets you track where he might be going (alone or with buddies.)

c. If you need another line infront of offenses, place these. They can soak up a bit of damage.

V. General Chamber Tips

1. Stack, stack, stack! Stacking makes it a bit easier to defend, and can provide a wall to knock back grenades.

2. Pesky marines coming down an elevator? Stack a bunch of chambers up and seal that shut. Its the alien equivalent of welding, but on elevators! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->

3. If you stack in an important area, don't seal it entirely. Build with a hole in the side for Kharaa to dive through.

4. Try to find a location where grenades have a hard time being bounced into your stack. If you build in the middle/bottom of a slope with gaps in your defense, the grenade might go past your defense and do no damage.

VI. FAQ (questions that I made up)

Q: How many gorges should a team have?

A: At most, 3. But preferably 1 to 2. Gorges get 3 resources compared to other aliens, which get 1. More gorges split that amount up. 1 gorge gets 3, 2 gets 1.5, 3 gets 1. Until you have more resource towers. At the onset of the game, <b>one gorge is preferred</b>.

Q: I had a nice big web visible in an area, and no one hit it. But then it was gone by the next time I waddled by. What happened to it?

A: I don't think webs have a time limit, but it was most likely welded by some smart marine. Don't make your webs visible, put them flush against the ground.


A: Most likely you were hit by a nearby siege turret. When building, and its mid to late game, get a buddy to check for nearby siege turrets.

VII. The end and something I must point out.

Well its been fun typing up my guide. I feel as though I missed a few key points. Note that all of this information is not mine, but compiled from other things I've seen/heard and some are mine. If you need something added to the Q and A, or have tactics to things I missed or didn't put anything for, post them. I'll add them in and give you credit. Happy Gorging. <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->

Edit: I noticed it got cludged together and harder to read after a point. I fixed it.
Edit 2: A note on webs posted about Chompy. Added to the Web Section under Weapon Tips


  • b00tedb00ted Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7539Members
    You shoulda read my guide to the gorge, it included alot of stuff and praised babblers. I know babblers are difficult to use, but they are worth it.

    If theyre not firing, simply jump and shoot at the same time, that usually works, its a bug they need to fix, but on 3/4 of the maps babblers are insanely good. It depends on the map generally.
  • ChompyChompy Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7379Members
    Not too bad, but I have disagree on some points:

    Visible webs can be very useful as a deterrent. Trying to get a meatwall built and you know there are some marines nearby? Web up the hallway in front of you and they will think twice before entering.. at least till they can get a welder, which takes time. I've used this many times to buy some time while I cobble up a defense.

    I also disagree with you on carapace; it's saved my **obscenity** in numerous instances, when I've been busy building and marine comes around a corner. Gives me enough time to get behind my wall, then support it from there. IMO, Carapace is the first and most important upgrade for every alien.

    Also, a tip: worried about whether or not yer in range of a seige cannon? Drop a DT or OT, then back away from it immediately and wait 10 seconds; if it doesn't get hit, you're fine. Build away.
  • MercsDragonMercsDragon Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6963Members
    I love babblers when your team is doing a full on attack. if you have adrenalin you can use them well. what you do is go up with your team when the are getting ready to attack and start spamming them into the room, they don't hit very often, but they make great targets so your team won't get shot as much. I've also gotten quite a few kills with them which is hillarious when it happens.
  • MerciorMercior Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4019Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Yeah I too have found babblers to be extremely useful... shoot them at a pack of marines and have a skulk for for them at the same time, they'll be so confused trying to take out all the babblers that the skulk should be able to polish off 3-4 marines no probs <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Also I would like to add that 3 webs in 1 place will slow down a marine to the maximum extent that a web can... so never bother overlapping more than 3 webs!
  • TAUTheOMeGaTAUTheOMeGa Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7919Members
    I was just curious if you guys found these strats physically possible in pubs. Many NS strats require a lot of teamwork on both sides im wondering about the community ? <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->


    <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> !
  • ApparitionApparition Join Date: 2002-11-13 Member: 8433Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--b00ted+Nov 13 2002, 05:49 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (b00ted @ Nov 13 2002, 05:49 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I know babblers are difficult to use, but they are worth it.

    <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I can't agree more, whenever I'm Gorge I always find myself killing tons of marines with the babblers.. Confusing marines is the funnest part about this game. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • LeusugiLeusugi Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6576Members
    Babblers make marines waste precious ammo. Sounds like a good enough thing to me, since the babblers cost pretty much nothing.
  • FieariFieari Join Date: 2002-10-22 Member: 1566Members, Constellation
    edited November 2002
    <!--QuoteBegin--TAU|TheOMeGa+Nov 13 2002, 12:35 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (TAU|TheOMeGa @ Nov 13 2002, 12:35 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I was just curious if you guys found these strats physically possible in pubs.  Many NS strats require a lot of teamwork on both sides im wondering about the community ? <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->


    <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> !<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I can only play in pubs, as I don't belong to a clan. Let me say that on 60% of public servers, these tactics are possible, and better yet, are often used.

    NS encourages people to COMMUNICATE with each other, and they do. And in doing so, they share strategies, and tell team mates what to do (scream at them till they listen).

    Yes. This works. You apparently haven't played the game yet. I highly reccomend it.

    EDIT: I should really add my experiences with babblers.

    Babblers are loads of fun if used correctly. Supposedly, they are the gorge's anti-structure weapon, as each babbler can do significantly more damage to structures than to humans... not to mention the fact that they explode after 15 seconds (if they manage to survive 15 seconds). However, most structures are defended by turrets, and babblers pop like soap bubbles when they approach turrets.

    In the suggestion forum a few months ago, someone suggested, no doubt thinking of starcraft, that there be an ability to create illusion characters, so that when charging at marines, they don't know who to attack. The thing is, that babblers are illusion characters PLUS the fact that marines are forced to deal with them or they'll get chomped. I -have- gotten babbler kills before.... marines who thought they could just ignore the things.

    At any rate, I got side tracked. You have 3 hives up, you're a gorge. You'd love to build defense chambers outside the marine base, but they have seiges inside, and any building gets you killed instantly. What do you do?

    A) Spend precious time evolving to a battle class, while depriving your teammates of a healer.
    B) Stay true to your role, and support the team as you are!

    When your team charges in (smart aliens wait outside the marine base until reinforcements arrive)... launch babblers till you can't any more, then wait a second and launch more! They'll damage buildings if they aren't gunned down by turrets... and if they are, (THIS IS IMPORTANT) then the turret fire has been CONCENTRATED ON THE BABBLERS, NOT ON THE ONOS WHO IS DISMANTLING THE BUILDINGS. Think of the babblers like an umbra cloud that has the potential to kill marines who are careless... in some ways it's better than umbra, because the marines also have to track the silly things.

    Of course, when the babblers are no longer thick because you have to wait to spawn 'em, they aren't as useful and you should pull back to heal the fades and onoses that are waiting to re-enter the front lines.

    Eventually, the seige turrets'll be taken out of course, and you can get back to building defensive chambers as was your original intent. But until then, you don't have to go fade or onos, you can still help the assult right where you are.

    Babblers are loads of fun.
  • TechnomancerTechnomancer Join Date: 2002-11-11 Member: 8255Members
    Yes, I would say that NS is one of the most pub friendly games ever. I haven't seen this level of teamwork since when I used to play Firearms. The game really gets people talking and strategizing. It's as fun to be aliens as marines since the "hivemind" effect really works in the game. All the players talk about the best strategies and you get sort of a "democratic" playstyle going on, where no one is REALLY in charge, but everyone gets a shot at telling everyone else what to do.

    Oh, the topic, sorry.
    <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> = <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> but
    <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> + strategy = <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
    Keep up the good work, the new players need to learn this stuff.
  • ShadowicsShadowics Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7652Members
    Babblers are probably the hardest weapon in NS to use. On some floor types the won't fire at all, your energy goes down but nothing appears, And I have tested this, it depends on the floor. Also, the AI (not to insult the NS Devs or anything because I don't know a whole lot about programming) for babblers seems pretty poor, if you're in anything but a wide open room they'll get stuck on sometime, like ramps, corners, building, especially other aliens. If you are in a wide open room or corridor they run the wrong way, turn around and run at you, or run reeeaaally slowly so they're almost not moving at all.

    That said, I have gotten one kill with Babblers, just one. They are a neat idea and fun to use sometimes but they're ineffective at doing just about anything.
  • VeNeMVeNeM Join Date: 2002-07-13 Member: 928Members
    God, that was worthless....

    Ill make my own gorge guide, but I cant give away all my secrets...

    Ill give you tips on how I stop a marine rush of 6-7 marines in their tracks, spit a marine to death and tips on how to be a better use to your teamates that are doing the harder work.
  • Gorge_The_GorgeousGorge_The_Gorgeous Join Date: 2002-11-14 Member: 8554Members
    Morphing job:
    After the marine base became quiet (all marines left), I dropped down from the ceiling and rushed in as skulk (bad turret placement saved me), and morphed into gorge behind the commander chamber. It's no surprise that I could stay there so long as to save up to 100 RPs. Oh and then there came the chambers of doom behind the commander chair. Blah, blah, blah... <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Experience with babblers:
    One marine with HA + HMG wandered alone while I, Gorge the Gorgeous, cloaked at the corner beside him. With the adrenaline upgrade, I kept making babblers to confuse him and he was so freaked out that he didn't radio for backup (medpacks, ammo etc). Eventually his HMG ran out of ammo so it's time for me to web him good and spray him to death.
  • VerdorbenVerdorben Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8121Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--RAPTOR+Nov 13 2002, 08:32 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (RAPTOR @ Nov 13 2002, 08:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->God, that was worthless....
    <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    If you don't like it, don't post. Its as simple as that. Constructive criticism only, people.
  • ForlornForlorn Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2634Banned
    First off:

    Babblers = only good gorge weapon.

    Second off:

    Carapace is best for gorge.

    It gives the gorge more health, which in turn can be healed by defensive towers which keep you alive for the most part anyway.

    Also, what good would redemption be? You are supposed to be out on the battle field! If you are building critical structures or are healing players who will benefit immensley off of a good healing, but for some reason or another you drop into the reds and POOF! Your allies/buildings/team is screwed over cause of a crappy skill.
  • HirebrandHirebrand Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5053Members
    When you are building up lots of chambers, drop them THEN finish building them... by the time you drop the third or fourth chamber the first will be half-created!
  • 4Square4Square Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8796Members
    edited November 2002
    Yea, you gotta love buildings building themselves.

    I personally opt for the deep defense gorge (takin it to the man). The closer I build bloackades to the enemy base, the easier it is for the aliens to move up without harassment.

    Last night, after we got enough hives for me to use babblers, I would mossie on over to the enemy encampements with my little waddle and plop down minor blockades, with o towers being the cover of the d towers. then I happily sit there and plod off babblers like thier going out of fashion. Yea, those suckers aren't the best weapon in the game but they have 2 things going for them. One, their not you so if they die whocares, you can pop out somemore in rapid succession. 2, they love to eat buildings. All those babblers keep the marines busy either reparing or shooting babblers and some of them actually live long enough to pop, which causes more damage. SO all in all I gotta say that babblers are the **obscenity**.

    Some people seem to have problems actually shooting them out. Yea, the friggin buggers don't like to work all the time, but since I only really use them to harasse buildings, here's what I do. Say I know a buillding is a round the corner from me either to my left or right. You can sit hidden by the corner aimed out toward the tunnel where the buildings are to your right or left and just shoot them off. It seems like the wont go where you want them to, but for some reason, I have better luck getting them to attack that way then actually aiming for a structure. So basiclly aim perpidicular to what you want to attack.

    [EDIT] Tried to make a little map but it didn't work.

    And yea you can get babbler kills. I got two of them last night, though I do have to say that I wasn't trying to kill with them. It just sort of happened. And just think, if the babblers don't get the enemy, if you spawn enough the lag will surely make it more dificult for the marines.

    Inconclusion, it's all about rouge deep d commando style with gorges.
  • 4Square4Square Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8796Members
    Oh, pfft I almost forgot. I'm guessing it was just a random glitch but it happend twice so I can't just pass it off. I found that if I were using the above stated method to pop out babblers inorder to take down buildings (from behind a corner), that if there was a door to the side I was attacking on instead of a open hallway and if I spammed enough babblers they would just start to go through the closed doors. Funny stuff seeing my legion of critters just prance off toward the enemy base right through a closed door. And I can only begin to imagine what the marines were thinking seeing that.

    It's probably having to do with the trigger entities. You can overload them sometimes and they act rather oddly (ex. Only one door opening in a double door set, One opening then closing then the other opening then closing). But hey, it's good to know if you don't mind breaking the map (you bad bad person).
  • zodazoda Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7175Members
    I think we all need to get together and make one huge post of gorge tactics, so we dont have a million gorge guides.. hopefully just one huge one.. with people saying their strategys and possibly debating them with others. There should be no posts allowed just saying "nice job", because those will be in the way. No one wants to sort threw the posts to find tactics. Lets see, we have me b00ted, you, Nazgul and anyone else. BTW Good post!
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