Big Problem

nubbnubb Join Date: 2004-09-27 Member: 31947Members
<div class="IPBDescription">ns keeps stuffing up</div> umm yeh... my ns has serious problems.
i was playing beta 4.a and then stopped for a few weeks.
when i came back i downloaded beta5 and installed it.
i opened steam double clicked the natural selection beta 5 icon. and then ns opened.
i went to find server and i just went to a random server.
i joined , but wen i joined a team or wen i was in ready room, my sounds were really wierd and sounded kinda stuffed up. i pressed esc and clicked on quit.
the next thing that happened was that my com restarted.
ive been reinstalling ns and steam for a while and it still keeps doing the same thing. plz help.


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