Sound Problems

JechtoJechto Join Date: 2004-09-15 Member: 31720Members
Hi, when i join a game on the internet my sound is constantly crackly. Its fine on all other games related with steam and menu sounds & music for NS are fine. Just in game sounds are screwed.

Ive tried reinstalling steam & ns.
tried reseting pc.
tried rolling back sound drivers - nothing worked

pc specs:

amd 3200
soltek golden flame
radeon 9800 pro
1gb ddr 400 ram
120gb hdd


  • KeirosKeiros Join Date: 2004-09-16 Member: 31743Members
    I've got sound problems too.

    Some are too loud like the firing and bullet casings hitting the ground. Others are non existant, like the building. Other players voices are very faded, even though I adjusted the levels in options. I dont think any one could hear me either.I'm not smart enough to go monkeying around with my system. The problem only started with the beta5 version. I'm using the same headphones as for previous versions (Verbatim combo).
  • KeirosKeiros Join Date: 2004-09-16 Member: 31743Members
    Ok, I monkeyed around with A3d options in, well, options. I cant hear others voice, my own marine voice is faint, sounds are not level or distance consistant. As a skulk, I cant hear myself bite structures but the skulk next to me is deafening. As a gorge, I cant hear myself build. Some marine sounds I can hear, but walking isnt one of them.

    Please respond.
  • eKoeKo Join Date: 2004-09-07 Member: 31470Members
    The crackling sound when you enter a server also happens to me. I find that if you alt+tab 3 times then it goes away.
    Annoying but it works.
  • cabbitcabbit Join Date: 2004-02-28 Member: 26944Members
    This has happened to me too... literally overnight. Suddenly I can't hear my own sounds (footsteps, shooting and whatnot) or anything said over voicecomms... distance is screwy - the skulk that sounds like it's nibbling something down the hallway is actually chewing my ankles off. <b>Nothing</b> hardware- or software-related has been done to the puter - last night it was all peachy; I join a server this morning and it's farked. It's the same in NS and DoD. Any ideas? <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    [AMD Athlon XP 2100+ (1.73ghz)
    1gb RAM
    GeForce4 Ti 4600 (128mb)
    Creative SB Audigy]
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