Screen Lag Issues

aegaeonaegaeon Join Date: 2003-11-07 Member: 22370Members
Intel® celeron® CPU 1.7 GHz
ATI Radeon 9200 256 mb
Windows XP pro
Open GL - 1054 X something (the first one above 800 x 600)
HL Retail - running NS beta 5 through steam ( no install problems)

The problem is that every game i play, regardless of the map and number of people, i run into problems where it seems like NS isn't reading all my commands quick enough and what happens is i get stuck going one direction, and i can't do anything (no mouse movement, no forward/ lateral movement, nothing) then after being stuck like this for a couple seconds, it releases me and i go back to normal. Then 45 seconds-ish later it happens again.

Quite frustrating given the nature of NS gameplay.

And on one particular server when this happened the server gave me a message "scripting not allowed on this server"
-i don't script. never have.

Any suggestions would be Appreciated.

All Drivers are up to date, as of last monday. 9/6 <!--emo&::tsa::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tsa.gif' /><!--endemo-->


  • the_gnatthe_gnat Join Date: 2004-08-27 Member: 30952Members
    Seems like you have very little RAM, how old is the 9200?

    What fps are you getting?

    Type net_graph 3 in console (0 to turn it off)
  • aegaeonaegaeon Join Date: 2003-11-07 Member: 22370Members
    I just bought 9200 bout 2-3 weeks ago.

    unless NS upgraded their engine or something of that matter i don't think it is my system RAM as i never had this problem with beta 4a and older

    and depending on the server i usually get a usually consistent range of 40-60 fps.
    however i have seen it drop to about 35 and peak at about 80 something.

    in addition, my ping in the servers usually shows up in the 40-50 range.
  • mirrodinmirrodin Join Date: 2004-06-29 Member: 29621Members
    Im no tech wizard, but I find alot of problems come from cl_updaterate and such. Hopefully some wizened forumer can help you there.
  • Malibu_StaceyMalibu_Stacey Join Date: 2003-04-06 Member: 15243Members
    go to your /half-life/ns/ directory & rename all the .cfg files so they have a different extension like .old
    then connect to a server & see how it plays. This will cause your NS install to recreate all the config files at default settings (you will have to rebind your keys in the menus & change any settings you may have done).
    If you still have problems after doing this let us know.
  • aegaeonaegaeon Join Date: 2003-11-07 Member: 22370Members
    Yeah, the problems are still there, and no less annoying.

    Though there was a little bit of an improvement the 1st time, the issue was still prevalent,( i tried a combat map); So, i decided to try another combat map, sava, and a standard NS map, tanith, and the problem was just as severe the before i renamed the cfg filed to .old as you suggested.

    perhaps i didn't do it properly?
    i went into the NS folder and renamed all the files i saw under the 'details' view as a CFG file, i right clicked the file and put ".old" at the end.

    thanks for your help through this all of you too!

  • DantemssDantemss Join Date: 2003-12-13 Member: 24305Members
    Sorry about that, but did you download NS from one of the mirrors in the download page of this site? You may have to redownload it.

    Some people made playable versions based on the dedicated server, to play before the client was released. Those versions have those lag spikes, like you said. That is because of missing files.

    But before doing that check your installer file size and compare to the size of the ones on the downloads page.
  • aegaeonaegaeon Join Date: 2003-11-07 Member: 22370Members
    i redownloaded the installer again because the file i had said '152' instead of the right number.

    but when i completed the download (from a different mirror than i initially used), it came up with the same file size.... plus, reinstalling NS didn't do anything. I didn't completely uninstall STEAM though, should i try that?
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