Hello fello NS players! I have great news Section 8 now has a new website come and visit the new site at <a href='http://www.freewebs.com/nsclansection8/' target='_blank'>http://www.freewebs.com/nsclansection8/</a>
On larger resolutions (or mabey its just firefox) the whole site is sticking to the top of the window while there is about 1/2 a page of blank space beneath it. Centering it would be better.
hmm i dont have that problem nor does gridlock i wonder y it does that ill have to tell grid about it and se what he says. I only run my res at 1024x768 so its not that high and everything is taking up the whole page there is no large blank spots for me. But i will let him know about it thanks for the info.
that seems to be my old hivemind site combo of freewebs and proboards... here, use this service: <a href='http://has.it/' target='_blank'>http://has.it/</a>
section8.has.it instead of www.freewebs.com/...whatever