Good Games
Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3031Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Post em here.</div> I just commanded a game not too long ago and it took under 30 minutes for the marines to win this one. (I was commanding <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> ) We first went along and took out the Reactor room then went up to build in the Waste Hive all within the first 5 minutes it was sweet. at about the 15 minute point we had secured the cargo area and chem transport rooms through a series of siege cannon jumps. at the 25th minute we put down siege turrets simultaneously killing the Fusion Reactor and Satellite Communications hives and it took about 3 minutes to get that done and we then killed off the last two skulks running around. No one deviated from the waypoints i gave everyone helped out and to tell you the truth had damn fine aim. By the time we had the siege turrets up for the hives we barely got Heavy armor and HMG therefore proving that they aren't nessicary to win. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
L3TUC3, bang and -M-
We did this Alien/Marine/Alien/Marine cycle every new round (tottaly unbalancing or balancing games, but no matter)
We went Alien and decided to do a skulk rush (like every game needs).
*All Skulks RUSH marine base!*
*Up the elevator!*
*Someguys go gorg and save for hives*
*Here, wait here!*
*Everybody here? Good, all go up the vents.*
*SHHH, we're really close!*
*Ready, GOGOGOGO!*
We killed every single marine and ate their CC. All the Marines we're like OMFG!
My first Skulk game moment 3v4r!
<u>First Game</u>
Me and some other aliens skulk rushed 3 rounds straight (yes, 3) on NS_Hera and won all until the marines finally caught on to what we were doing, that was so much fun. They got so **obscenity** off. That one was short.
<u>Second Game</u>
Aliens again (all I play usually) this time on NS_Nancy, me and a few other guys rushed to the mess hall in nancy and left one gorge back to start Resource Tower building (RT). We sat on the ceiling of the mess hall waiting for the first marines, they got slaughtered very quickly. Then after a while I evolved to gorge and set up some nice defense in mess hall. The skulks covered. This tactic works very well, 2 skulks and a gorge can defend an area nicely. (make sure the teammates are good aliens) We had 3 hives up in about 10 minutes I'd say. But the whole round lasted about 3 hours. We toyed around with the marines a bit too long and they killed one of our hives. They set up defense there and I evolved into a Fade (cloaking + regeneration + adrenaline) along with one other teammate, we owned their turrets and got a hive started back up in the nameless hive. We finally got a huge forward base set up with offense and defense chambers and overcame them, that was a very fun game. Probably most fun I've had in a game for a very very long time.
Moral of this story was : Aliens own, get good at them. Marines own, Only if you have a smart commander
Moral of that : Aliens win anyway. Screw Marines!!! <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> - seriously though, if you get a well coordinated alien team you can be a very deadly force, to start I recommend (this is an 8 on 8 situation) 6 skulks and 2 gorges, that way the gorges can go search and destroy for Resource Towers and each one can have 2 skulk escourts, the remaining 2 skulks can go together or seperate (depending on style, I recommend 2) and ambush marines while the aliens set up defenses and hives. It usually works if you do it this way, and it is so much fun owning with aliens....just.. I can't describe it.
This game owns!
Hid on the roof in our hive and picked off 4 of them and got HMG'ed.
I've got better stories but I really dont feel like typing alot.
After the initial mad dash to the CC (which I won <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->), I did the usual build: 2 inf portals, armory, TF, pair of SGs. At this point, my resources are drained and I needed to wait for a bit before sending the troops out to grab the nearby resource node. Of course, while the inf portals are building, half my team decides now would be the perfect opportunity to scout the map and 3 guys leave the base all headed in different directoins. One of them even spent 5 minutes trying to shoot his way through a fake door. I didn't yell at them much at this point, as I figured maybe one of them would get lucky and find the alien hive before getting eaten by Skulks.
Finally we grab the close resource point, and I decide that instead of fortifying here, I'll have the squad push on to the Messhall and build a turret factory there. Hopefully that will distract the aliens from my undefended node, so I won't have to waste resources building too many SG nests.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to get my marines to move in groups greater than two. A small trickle of marines constantly makes it's way to the Messhall, and just as I'll put down the resourcer and a TF, aliens will rush in and kill everything. Then there will be a skirmish in the hallway for possesion, we'll take it back, I'll rebuild, aliens will kill, repeat until I run out of rebuiding resources and we are kicked out of Messhall. Thinking it will help my marines against further ambushes, I grab an Observatory and the Motion Detector upgrade.
At this point, I'm very worried abou the fact we have not even made a move to secure a hive, so I grab a pair of marines and give them a waypoint to <a href='' target='_blank'>Mother Hive</a>. Of course, they don't listen and instead keep pushing towards Messhall.
Figuring now that if I don't take Messhall soon I'm simply going to starve, I start on an upgrade path to get my marines in fighting condition to take on the Fades that have recently appeared. Instead of the normal path of HA/HMG, I decide to instead stick with the cheaper LMGs and Shotguns, and put up an Arms Lab for weapon and armor upgrades. I figure, for a one time cost of 120 resources I can have all my marines with +40 armor, and +40% damage for free<b>OR</b> I can spend an extra 135 to upgrade the Armory, and get a Prototype Lab with HA research for the priveledge of spending 45 resources every time one of them dies (a rather common occurence).
Now by this time Messhall was completely overrun. There were Offensive Chambers all over the place, and a row of Defence Chambers along the back window providing healing for the room. I knew I couldn't just have my underequipped marines run in there by themselves, so I decided to siege. Setting up a TF just around the corner, I place a pair of SGs in sight of the door to try and keep the Fades away while the TF upgraded. When that was done, I placed a siege turret behind the TF and told my marines to hold that position come hell or high water.
What followed was about 20 minutes of back and forth combat. My marines perfomed admirably, as they had stopped simply wandering off and were concentrating at the task at hand. This despite the low moral which caused several marines to desert, leaving us at a disadvantage in personnel.
Eventually it was clear that one siege turret was not going to cut it. While upgrading the Armory for access to HMGs, I rebuilt the recently destroyed TF further down the hall and placed the SGs just outside sight of the doorway to Messhall. This worked much better as the Fades could no longer use the door as cover from the SGs, and splash damage wouldn't hurt the TF or my marines. I set up 2 extra Siege Cannons. This, combined with a few sympathetic players who had recently evened the teams broke the alien hold on Messhall allowing my marines toting a few fresh HMGs to move forward.
I would have recycled at this point, but for some reason you cannot recycle Adv. Turret Factories or Siege Cannons. Ahh well, I figured at the very least it would prevent any aliens from building in the area.
Now that we had control of Messhall, I had to make another decision. Fortify here, or push on hoping to catch the aliens off balance? Nothing ventured nothing gained they say, so I ordered my marines up the stairwell to the nearby node where they placed another resourcer and an Armory for the impending assault. I knew that with a lack of doorways and long straight hallways the Subspace Array Hive was our best bet to take over, and not a moment too soon. Just as we approached my heart about stopped. An Onos came charging out of the hive. With no Heavy Armor, and only a pair of HMGs between them, I figured my squad was toast. Fortunately for my marines, they had decided to stick together, and the Onos was brought down after inflicting a single casualty on my squad. Had they been spread out more, I have no doubt the Onos would have picked them off one by one and quickly torn through the undefended resource points I had left behind all the way to my base.
The Subspace Array must have been the Kharaa's third hive, as defences were minimal. After only a brief firefight, control was ours and the threat of more Onos was no more. Quickly I set up a secondary base: Phase Gate, TF, Resourcer, Armory. I know the aliens are going to be <i>very</i> anxious to get this hive back, so I try and keep a few marines there as much as possible. Between that and the SGs, We're able to keep the Fades at bay while I use my newfound income to push forward to Heavy Armor.
Looking around, I figured that Engine Room Hive was closer, and also provided a perfect siege opportunity as the Hive is positioned very close to the adjacent hallway. Progress is slower than I'ld like, as several times my marines must either stop and clear an Offensive Chamber outpost, reclaim a resource node destroyed by aliens, or run back to Subspace Hive to fend off some angry Fades. But nevertheless, my TF gets built and I set up another forward base with Armory and Phase Gate to ensure my marines are able to stay in that position. 3 Siege turrets later Engine Hive is ours, and all that is left is Mother Hive.
At this point the Kharaa have noticed that their own ranks have dropped in size. I feel a twinge of guilt, but victory for the marines is virtually assured at this point, so complaining about teams seems a moot point. Besides, they were perfectly content when the situation was reversed.
From this point, there isn't much excitement. We captured the node just outside of Mother with only minimal resistance, and my marines had taken out the hive before I could even get an upgraded TF for siege.
There was a surprise waiting though. A lone skulk had managed to scurry out the vent system before the marines took over Mother Hive, and was headed to Marine HQ. I realized that except for the turrets covering the door, there was no internal protection in the base. Past my meagre defences the Skulk dodged and began chewing on my CC. Yelling to my team "In the base", I logged out hoping I could end this with my LMG. No sooner to I do so, than the Skulk takes a bite. I backpedal and go to return fire, but my gun dissapears, only to be replaced by an HMG. Grinning, I figure it's game over for the Skulk, and pull the trigger only to have my gun dissapear <i>again</i>. When it returns, I notice the sleeves of Heavy Armor holding my HMG, and the Skulk wisely deciding that discretion is the better part of valour runs from my suddenly imposing form.
Moral of the Story: You can run, but you're only going to die tired. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> The Skulk is quickly dispatched, and "Team 1 Wins" scrolls down the side of the screen.
We aliens managed to hold them at that point, having gotten the second hive up, and for a good thirty minutes an all out _war was waged over the node between the Mess Hall and the Subspace Array.
It was a riot. All out non-stop constantly raging battle, up and down the stairs and ladders between the Mess Hall and the node, fades and heavy armored marines struggling for a step at a time, dying left and right.
We managed to hold, and when redemption kicked me to the Engine room, I took enough time to chase the GL weilding marine into the depths of the hive he was defending, clawing him down just before the turrets took me down. Third hive up, and the onos tipped the balance.
The most crushing defeat I've seen handed out (other than the usual skulk rush) happened just now on NS_Eclipse. We moved out as a team, or rather a pair of teams, one to secure resource nodes, and the other to take first Triad and then the Eclipse hive. Despite a do or die attempt to stop the marine juggernaught, we took over Computer Core hive, and then headed for the last hive.
The aliens really had no chance, they couldn't coordinate enough to take out the turret defended nodes, and I was standing guard over the hive and Triad (love phase gates), denying them any chance to break in.
Crushing defeat, so crushing we didn't win by killing them off, but by them leaving the server, rather than try to resist as the siege guns hammered the last hive.
Good commander, good team work, and I died once, a record for me, I normally suicide assault many times in the course of a game. But then I'm normally that annoying skulk that is eating your turret factories or command chair.