Defensive Chambers And Stacked Healing

relsanrelsan Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3720Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">you can use more than three! honest!</div> People keep telling me that the defensive chambers only stack to three. While this is true with upgrades, it is not true regarding their healing abilities. I tried telling people this on a server and they all told me I was wrong and it was a waste to bother with anymore than three.

This is what I've noticed: Each chamber gives about 10hp every 2-3 seconds. I've found that when I build 6-8 of these babies I'm nearly indestructible. Getting pumped with 60-80 hp every couple of seconds makes any kind of strike quite effortless. If you don't believe me, all you have to do is try it out for yourself.

So little gorgy, when your friendly neighborhood fade asks for more defensive chambers, please listen to him. It could mean the difference between defeat or victory.


  • padijunpadijun Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3419Members
    That's how you siege the 3rd hive. Get 2-3 fades and 3 defense chambers, put some offense chambers in front of those, and hope they don't have siege turrets nearby. You can then lay to siege your hive til the cows come home (or you destroy their portal). I've done this for 30 minutes stretches against HA/HMGs without dying on prepatch servers, imagine what it's like with upgraded fades.
  • JorderonJorderon Join Date: 2002-10-31 Member: 1793Members
    Yes it works, highly effective too.

    I usually will stack 3 D chambers behind a tower collection, keeps them healed, and you can run back to get regenrated quickly and continue the attack.

    The counter to D chambers is <!--emo&::siege::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='siege.gif'><!--endemo--> . Actually I think they shoudl be called anti-siege turrets
  • deimos_telarindeimos_telarin Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6248Members
    Talk about stack ...

    I pile up my Kharaa Buildings like a wall to block the way ...

    Yup ...

    5+ Defensive Chambers is total ownage unless the Marines spam Grenades ...

    Many new Kharaa players fail to realise this and usually cost the downfall of the team ...
  • WoggyWoggy Join Date: 2002-10-09 Member: 1466Members
    Hehehe, greandes are useless against alot of defence chambers.
    They shoot 4 greandes, everything looses 50%, defence chambers heal everything back up to 100% then launcher finishes reloading <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • MutantMFMMutantMFM Join Date: 2002-07-27 Member: 1005Members
    With six defence chambers and five offence chambers even if they have a seige cannon they cannot even damage one of my chambers. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • BrewBrew Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2572Members
    yeah, ive seen marines with <i>one</i> seige cannon inside their base.
    about all it did was annoy the occasional alien who had to stand inside the heal farm for another two seconds.
    well, that and splatter the occasional injured skulk who happened by for some shroom lovin'
    but the damage from the blast to the offensive tower it had targetted was healed within 3 slops.
    if they'd have built up a few more seiges, maybe they'd have done some actual damage?

    I had a beautiful rig once that got ripped apart by a nasty nade spam.
    I'd held out the same position (the tunnel to the platform just outside vent 3C) for over a half hour, and had even expanded halfway down the ramp into the next room. Stepped it up a notch and went lerk so I could umbra and fire needles. Shortly thereafter went boom

    good god I hate grenades <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

  • justusjustus Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4632Members
    yeah.Dc turrets really rocks...nothing is more annoying than gorg who wastes all he's resources to offence chambers without dc's and then some marine comes with big bad grenades and wipe out that 30 stack of offences in 30sec...
  • Mr_FruitypantsMr_Fruitypants Join Date: 2002-10-29 Member: 1721Members
    Today I experimented with a "cube of lame" and it was about unkillable until several grenade launchers being used by people who could aim grenades started working on it. By that time though, marines were down to just rying to break out of their spawn so it didn't really matter anymore. Earlier while the marines were all rushing to defend the horseshoe, outside the Blue Triad side of the marine spawn I built a three wide row of sensory chambers, behind that three offensive chambers, and then behind that 3 deffensive chambers so I had a three-by-three square of chambers. Then I put a second layer on top of that. I could have tossed on two more offensive chambers before I hit the limit, but it wasn't really neccesary. I had it angled so that any nades shot at it without good aim would bounce back right at them.

    Stacking turrets right now is about the second most valuable skill a gorge can possess. If you can't do it, practice until you can. It lets you double the ammount of firepoweryou can put down in any spot.

    Also, use sensory chambers as meatshields for your offensive turrets. As far as I've seen, sensory chambers don't block fire from offensive turrets. That might be a bug, but that's the way it's working right now.
  • deimos_telarindeimos_telarin Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6248Members

    When you folks say 'stack', are you refering to placing a building on top of another? Like blocking the whole view?
  • Mr_FruitypantsMr_Fruitypants Join Date: 2002-10-29 Member: 1721Members
    Yeah, "stacking" means putting them on top of each other. It's very important to be able to do, because in some critical areas it's the difference between having two or three chambers covering an area or having eight covering it. It doesn't matter what a marine has on, eight offense chambers being healed by 6 defense chambers and a row of sensor chambers to sponge up damage isn't going down without a lot of teamwork and time.

    It would be really great if they made little pictures of the alien chambers like they have the little sentry guns.

    um... <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> !!!!!
  • deimos_telarindeimos_telarin Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6248Members
    lol how 'bout little pictures for every model in the game?
  • KarriNKarriN Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6617Members
    Yeah, someone should at least draw a "cutie" fanart of the parasite! <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> Back to the subject. I just recently learned about stacking and yesterday I tested it's FULL potential for the third time. I think the map was Caged (the one with the Sewer hive?), I think. Situation when I joined servers? Lots of unefficiently building gorges and some pretty good Skulks... at first there were some 6 aliens 'gainst 8 marines or so... when I left it was 4 bugs vs 8 rines. <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> Anyway, a 2nd hive was coming up too. By then I noticed we had quite a few resource points still and mutated to Gorge and started teaching the others what this fatty could do.

    Me and another gorge completely blocked the "bridge" in the map (the one near one of the hives, on the most straight and shortest route to marine base) with stacked off chambers, protected by some 4-5 def chambers and webbing like hell - the marines couldn't even touch it. The bad thing was that almost every other alien was at the other, new base, when the base we were protecting was fiercely attacked - from the other side. Mutated to Fade and tried to keep 'em back but we lost it still.

    By this time, the 'rines had HAs, nade launchers and all kinda goodies. I thought "what the h3ll", as I often do when I see we're losing a game. A losing game is almost always a good chance to learn guerilla and sabotage tactics against bigger odds.
    I mutated back to Gorge and started making my way from what's-it's-name hive towards the sewer hive. Eventually, when I left the game (leaving the inevitable to happen since the 'rines were too lame to change teams even though it was 8 to 4), my merit list was the following:

    - Three combos of as many off/def chambers as I could fit in that area, in important intersections of the map, seriously slowing down the marines, with no backup (had a few situations when I'd really have to fight for them, as I hadn't got enuff def chambers up when they came with HMGs and stuff).

    - Assisting in retaking the res point near the sewer, protected with many turrets and the occasional marine coming thru the portal.

    - Singlehandedly taking out a heavily turreted marine outpost at the sewer hive and getting that hive up (about a minute b4 we lost the other hive), did this by evolving between Gorge and Lerk as the situation changed... the Lerk spike gun is actually pretty good for taking out turrets, if I remember correct it's 2-3 full energy meters worth of spikes?

    The point here is not to brag, but to tell that I prolonged the game and held our team's loss back at least 30-45 minutes mainly with just one Gorge and stacked off chambers/cramped def chambers. With sometimes a 2 marines/1 alien ratio of players. Since the marines weren't too smart in that game, I must contemplate, if there had been more in my team who would've known about these things, we probably could have done much more. They, however, were more interested in doing silly run-at-the-marines-eat-the-lead runs with Skulks.
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