Join Date: 2003-11-04 Member: 22310Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Servers that are out to get you...</div> Hi, I have been playing NS since 1.04 and truly it is a great game. I'm posting this topic because some servers are downright ridiculous to play on because of their o so strict rules. Let me choose an example:
<span style='color:white'>Omitted.</span> - This server will ban you if you spam medpacks or try to retry because you have been devoured. Lame tactics yes, but a PERMANENT ban for that? Shouldn't permabans be for hacks?
<span style='color:white'>Omitted.</span> - This server will ban you for a week if you rambo as a marine. If you so much as lay a sensory chamber down, you will be permabanned.
Now I know most regulars like to fool around sometimes, after all, we play this for FUN, winning the game is just a bonus. Sometimes newbies won't know what they are doing and BOOM they are banned. I like servers like G4B2S and NS Arms Lab because they are really helpful and lenient on rules rather then servers like these that have these "mysterious" rules that you find out AFTER you get banned...
Now you may ask, "why don't you play on other servers?". For people like me, I am not dedicated on one server (since it gets full 75% of the time). I like to journey to different ones, to check out how things are there. It is ridiculous how these people run their servers sometimes. I know NS can be a stressful game, but we are people, we tend to fux up time to time.
I write this to share a testimony of my experiences on these "hard-core" servers. One minor mistake and you are gone... Anyone have similar experiences?
(I got banned for accidentally biting another player)
<span style='color:white'>Omitted.</span> - This server will ban you if you spam medpacks or try to retry because you have been devoured. Lame tactics yes, but a PERMANENT ban for that? Shouldn't permabans be for hacks?
<span style='color:white'>Omitted.</span> - This server will ban you for a week if you rambo as a marine. If you so much as lay a sensory chamber down, you will be permabanned.
Now I know most regulars like to fool around sometimes, after all, we play this for FUN, winning the game is just a bonus. Sometimes newbies won't know what they are doing and BOOM they are banned. I like servers like G4B2S and NS Arms Lab because they are really helpful and lenient on rules rather then servers like these that have these "mysterious" rules that you find out AFTER you get banned...
Now you may ask, "why don't you play on other servers?". For people like me, I am not dedicated on one server (since it gets full 75% of the time). I like to journey to different ones, to check out how things are there. It is ridiculous how these people run their servers sometimes. I know NS can be a stressful game, but we are people, we tend to fux up time to time.
I write this to share a testimony of my experiences on these "hard-core" servers. One minor mistake and you are gone... Anyone have similar experiences?
(I got banned for accidentally biting another player)
This discussion has been closed.
Find another server, seriously, I don't care what you said previously, find another server, and don't come here to complain.
Find another server, seriously, I don't care what you said previously, find another server, and don't come here to complain. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
If you don't care what I write maybe you shouldn't even reply in my thread. Use your brain, genious.
Anyway I write this to warn others, and maybe get some insight on what others may have experienced. If you don't give a crap about this thread <b>don't</b> write in it. It is as simple as that.
It's their servers, they can admin it how they like. ^^
Find another server, seriously, I don't care what you said previously, find another server, and don't come here to complain. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
If you don't care what I write maybe you shouldn't even reply in my thread. Use your brain, genious.
Anyway I write this to warn others, and maybe get some insight on what others may have experienced. If you don't give a crap about this thread <b>don't</b> write in it. It is as simple as that. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Where do you get off bashing a server when you can't spell. <b>genius</b>
I remember this one time i was playing on a ff dod server. I had a score of about 60-10 withing the first couple mins of match(pub match). A nade lands by my feet so i pick it up to save my squad but before i could toss it back(my favorite thing to do) it exploded and I(not the enemy) killed my team and was instantly automatically permibanned. GG retarded servers.
use the use key while looking at the nade to pick it up. dont forget the throw it back part. throwing and picking up your own nades is a nade priming trick. O and if ff isnt on it you pick the nade up and don't manage to throw it back, well at least you saved your teamates. It won't hurt them anymore.
Again I'm not here to whine, if I needed to whine I would go to THEIR servers okay? Now just read what I wrote before you think I am complaining...
I said like I did in 2 posts before I am writing this to WARN others from falling into traps and if anyone HAD any experiences like I did. Did I say OMG IVE BEEN BANNED FROM SERVER THEY ARE DEVILS OMG OMG...
Correct, I did get banned from that server, but later they removed it after a longdiscussion so please stop saying "OMG SUYF CUZ DONT WHINE ABOUT SERVERS LOL!!1one!". It really pisses me off and detracts the point of the thread.
YES I KNOW IF YOU HATE THAT SERVER DONT JOIN IT. ANY HALF BRAINED DRUNK WOULD KNOW THAT. Sometimes you join a server that you aren't accustomed to the rules and sometimes you fux up, is that complaining?
Yes sometimes we join different servers. I'm pretty sure you haven't joined all 1,000+ servers of NS, if you do however, I'll give you 1000 bucks.
Again after repeating this TWICE, I am asking if people have had experiences similar to mine, and how they feel playing on a strict tatical server. Nothing more, nothing less. If this is too hard for you to understand, just don't post, don't even click on this thread. Not too hard yes?
Thanks for a constructive post that actually shares a time you had on DoD. Thanks for a post that actually relates to what I had made this thread for.
they pay money for their servers and are free to ban anyone they want. some people like those rules.
if you've ever hosted a server before, you'll understand.
/me hands smood and all others that have been banned a hanky
But still, they did pay money to be able to run the server how they like(even if it's wrong, or they are just power lovers that think they are God).
thouse servers sound like a dream to me. team play is what i like about this game. on most pubs it is like pulling teeth to get them off the damn armory and through the pg to the frount where they were needed yesterday.
to you that just have to get ammo i have this to say; STOP GETTING AMMO!!! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIVE THAT LONG!!! you may be thinking "the com never gives me ammo." do know why? you do not folow orders. if you are not where the com told you to be you cannt exspect him to support you. the commander cannt be every where at once.
if you dont beleave me get in the cc sometime and try to com a team that will not folow orders and is all over the place.
so you want a gun? commanders love people that folow orders. if you do as you are told you may well find your self with a gun. you dont even have to be a good player. i'm not leet but the com gives me a gun, meds and ammo because i try and do as he commands.
ff on? this is a real teaching tool. you learn not to stand in the middle of the hall blocking your teams shots. you learn that it does not take 2+ skulks to down a rt.
you learn that jumping around like your on crack is not requiered part of the game.
you learn to time your bites to hit your target instead of spaming bite exspecting to get a kill. you learn the true use of the gl. you learn to keep tabs on where your team mates are so you do not shoot them.
one more Q; if you dont want to folow orders and play as a team why are you playing ns? there are plenty of mods where you can be a one man army.
ty i have been looking for a server where people know what they are doing. much love and i hope this helped clear things up for you
On a saturday bang
Boy is that girl with you
Yes we’re one and the same
Now I believe in miracles
And a miracle
Has happened tonight
But, if
You’re thinkin’
About my baby
It don’t matter if you’re
Black or white
I got banned from NS Arms Lab within 15 minutes of joining. The reason? Aimbotting.
I think this went on for long enough.