Alien Vs Alien Update
Join Date: 2003-09-25 Member: 21205Members

I'm currently working on a plugin to fix Alien vs Alien Combat gameplay. I have already finished the spawn fix, and will be working on fixing hives soon. This should be the minimum necessary to get the gameplay working. In the meantime, I recommend thinking about this new type of gameplay. Here's an example screenshot from my test map, which features RCBots that don't understand I'm not a friendly Onos.
Digestion works on percentage of total HP, and takes that off your total (And displays the devour sprite over the entire hud, save for text) until you die.
As far as I understand, this percentage is jacked up rediculously high for combat, so even another regenning onos will die in the same amount of time.
aliens must be marked with glow, there should be 2 different spore and web sprites and alien health/armor must be lowered.
umbra becomes almost useless.
Oh yeah, the aliens will ALL need a damage boost or some HP/ARMOR nerf.
Raise spit damage to 40, and healspray damage to 25. I would love to see healspray rushes against an Onos <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> .
Onos are going to be the ultimate killing machine against anything, so lower health to like 500/500, and fades will be overpowered, too, so lower their health to like 250/100 (back to old can change health around, can't you?)
Raise spore damage to like 15, and include the spikes plugin into this for lerks, so lerks can own skulks with a few spikes.
I see lots of fades getting acid rocket...
To kill an Onos right now with fade (90 damage/swipe...the Onos has 700/600 health at hive 1) it will take 22 hits. With 500/500 health, it takes 17 hits from the fade to kill...its a slight reduction...
Also, are you gowing to make each team glow a different color, like with M vs. M? Because its kind of necessary if were going to have a functioning Avs.A game.
Also, how will you defend hives? It won't be about defending, but about going straight for the enemie's hive and chomping it down while crawling all over it in a weird fashion.
Digesting works fine on skulks, lerks, gorges, and ANY lifeform without regen. It'll take a while to take out an onos, but it'll work. However, regen on a fade or an onos is strong enough to regen more health than digest takes away. Therefore the digesting player is stuck in a stomach literally forever (or until a retry or whatever). And digesting a passing skulk or lerk is completely unnecessary, since a focus onos can one-shot a skulk (and I think two-shot a lerk, but I don't remember exactly).
xeno sucks, umbra is useless.
Edit: By the way, xeno doesn't suck because of damage or anything, it sucks because with all the speed on the alien team it is near-impossible to get anyone inside your blast radius. And if you do, it's an onos with regen who laughs at you
Lol, this reminds me of this one time in ns_siege007.
An onos just ate me so the commander kept on dropping medpacks onto the onos and I was healing me each time, causing the timer to restart. So the onos was like "Get the **** out". lol.
I'd make it so that the Onos is prevented from devouring another Onos. Fades'd be okay since Marines are Fade size anyway. Disable regen while devoured.
Lerks will be powerful, but I think that'd be okay, really. No worse than jetpackers. In fact, not nearly as bad as jetpackers since lerks will usually need to come in close to kill, unlike a JPer. Might want to color differentiate spores though.
I forsee gorges being much more important, in order to put down OCs which are a ranged weapon. Early game tactics will revolve around trying to take out opposing gorges and likewise, defending said gorges. Having the entire team drop RTs won't work, and OCs will be NEEDED to defend them. And of course, higher lifeforms will be critical.
Might want to consider upping parasite damage slightly, to make it a viable ranged WEAPON. Not nearly as good as bite, but something that is POSSIBLE to take out a skulk with. Melee vs Melee fights CAN be interesting, but they become MORE interesting if ranged is also possible... even if not as effective. One side might try to keep backing off, getting in the parasite shots while the other goes for the bite kill.
A lot of aliens would need lower health, because of alien attacks being weaker than marine attacks.
So, skulk: 75/0 health. Gorge: 150/40 health (same as now). Lerk: 100/20 health. Fade: 250/100 health. Onos: 500/500 health.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I forsee gorges being much more important, in order to put down OCs which are a ranged weapon.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is in combat mode, not NS.
Digesting works fine on skulks, lerks, gorges, and ANY lifeform without regen. It'll take a while to take out an onos, but it'll work. However, regen on a fade or an onos is strong enough to regen more health than digest takes away. Therefore the digesting player is stuck in a stomach literally forever (or until a retry or whatever). And digesting a passing skulk or lerk is completely unnecessary, since a focus onos can one-shot a skulk (and I think two-shot a lerk, but I don't remember exactly). <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
If digesting gives health to the digester, and the digestee has regen - doesn't that basically automatically give the digester regen? Because he'll keep getting more health indefinitely. Sounds cool though <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
IDK...hive location???
Oh, BTW IF this was ever an NS mode, there would have to be 4 hive rooms, otherwise neither team could get to 3 hives.
Also they should find a way to cancel out devouring other Onos <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Like setting it as a building or some sort of w/e so Devour doesnt work on another Onos.
and also canceling out Regeneration when eaten should be adressed.