Very Important Ns Related Question
Join Date: 2003-02-25 Member: 13954Members

Voogroo says:
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I did not implement anything.
I fixed something that was already there before I even started. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
So why block the mousewheel from +jump and +attack with it? That is your doing isn't it?
btw, from what I understand about discussions I've heard lately, these two things won't really matter because holding jump will spam the command, and the pistol will be automatic like the lmg.
Kind of related, aside from the bhop script, the most important script I use is to press f1 to join marines and f2 to join aliens. Each race has a very different set of binded keys to do different stuff, and sets my sensitivity different. I also have alot of commands binded to pressing ctrl AND another key together so I don't hit them by accident (like 'kill'). I do this like this;
alias +ctrlkey "exec ctrl.cfg" (binds my special keys like cheat codes and kill)
alias -ctrlkey "exec clean.cfg" (rebinds my keys to the original bind)
bind CTRL +ctrlkey
stuff like this will no longer work, right?
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I did not implement anything.
I fixed something that was already there before I even started. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
So why block the mousewheel from +jump and +attack with it? That is your doing isn't it?
btw, from what I understand about discussions I've heard lately, these two things won't really matter because holding jump will spam the command, and the pistol will be automatic like the lmg.
Kind of related, aside from the bhop script, the most important script I use is to press f1 to join marines and f2 to join aliens. Each race has a very different set of binded keys to do different stuff, and sets my sensitivity different. I also have alot of commands binded to pressing ctrl AND another key together so I don't hit them by accident (like 'kill'). I do this like this;
alias +ctrlkey "exec ctrl.cfg" (binds my special keys like cheat codes and kill)
alias -ctrlkey "exec clean.cfg" (rebinds my keys to the original bind)
bind CTRL +ctrlkey
stuff like this will no longer work, right?
I mean it will just make players start scripting or getting past it with hacks.
There will be a server side variable, which if set will disable scripting.
If the server you are playing on has it turned on, and you need your 3 jump script or whatever else to bhop (for example) then join another server with it turned off.
That's the end of the discussion. If you don't want to play in a script-free environment, then play on a server with this option turned off..
Voogru is SIMPLY fixing a command that was supposed to be in the last version (I believe it was 4) but didn't operate properly. That's all..
Side Note: I don't remember this much uproar when the command was first instituted...
Why would your "F1 for joining aliens" and "f2 for joining marines" binds not work?
Unless there are multiple commands in them, like 'bind f1 jointeamone; exec alien.cfg' or something, then yes, it won't work. But if it's just 'bind f1 jointeamone' then it will work, since it's a bind(single command binded to single key, not using aliases), not a script.
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>[Disclaimer]That's <i>my</i> definition of the word, anyways.</span>
Really, stop making such a huge fuss over nothing.
and bind f1 marine.cfg then it will join rines and exec all your stuff
not that hard
As for the issue IceBaron has touched, Zunni already said it, but I'll re-iterate for added redundancy:
<b>These changes are <i>not</i> global, but simply additions to an already existing server-side-variable most of you will quite likely never see in action if you don't want to.</b> Search yourself another reason to threaten our devs with your pitchforks, please.
But this completely and utterly irrelevent, because the +jump command will be automatic, and so is the pistol...
And they were practically the only reasons to script in the first place?
So where in <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>hells bells</span> is the logic to blocking the scripts? Scripts were used in those spots in the first place which are now replicated...
The logic piece is missing from the puzzle.
why not just provide a .cfg on the site that has a 3jump script in it? all the coding is doing is taking away a download step. and i can see a lot of people still not being able to bhop even with this feature coded in for them.
make sure +3jump doesn't work for lerks too. or, at least, it should be toggle-able.
Probably just equalising the play field. Like including a guide about bunnyhopping in the manual or smth.
But this completely and utterly irrelevent, because the +jump command will be automatic, and so is the pistol...
And they were practically the only reasons to script in the first place?
So where in <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>hells bells</span> is the logic to blocking the scripts? Scripts were used in those spots in the first place which are now replicated...
The logic piece is missing from the puzzle. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
They want to block scritps to fix some exploits in the NS code (infinite leap and so on) as mentioned by XP-Cagey in the mp_blockscripts-thread.
The reason to make pistol and bhopscripts features is for leveling the playingfield, which is great since people now cant whine about scripters since they have the same ability.!
Yay for the devs! \o/
Edit: You have to write a<b>N</b> for Enginebug!
Edit: You have to write a<b>N</b> for Enginebug! <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
That would remove bhop entirely, which is not the point.
ROF is capped. :\
mp_blockscripts, in my mind, is *purist* Ns, no scripts, no mousewheel, just default (or so,) configs. Most people wont use it, but hey. It seems illogical blocking *some* scripts but not other "scripts" (ie mousewheel.)
My mouse wheel was defaulted to change weapons when i first installed the game, I didn't do anything to make it do that, it was in the basic half-life controls... does this mean that I will no longer be able to change weapons with the mouse wheel? <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I ain't got a problem with scripts going, I've never needed them, don't see why others do... but if the mousewheel is completely removed from being compatible with the game, this'll be an enormous hindrance to myself and many others.
This leads to a question though. Blocking fast pistoling is one thing. I'm curious where the reasons for blocking bunnyhopping come from. When bhop was intentionally removed from marines and intentionally left in for aliens, that seemed like an acceptance of bunnyhopping for aliens. So it's just like (as has been often mentioned) tfc, where bunnyhopping is an accepted part of the game. If bunnyhopping is so much a part of the game, why is something being coded in (optional or not) that blocks it so exactly? Wouldn't it make more sense to either (as has also been mentioned) build in an autojump feature for aliens, to make it accessible to everyone, OR to completely code it out (simply cap airspeed at 100% instead of 170%) and balance the game accordingly?
However, I've removed this change.
So, you can stop screaming now.
NM, Voogru responded before I finished typing. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
If the server you are playing on has it turned on, and you need your 3 jump script or whatever else to bhop (for example) then join another server with it turned off.
That's the end of the discussion. If you don't want to play in a script-free environment, then play on a server with this option turned off.. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Exactly, but the pressure of leagues will set it to 1. This forcing the community to go with it off. Don't blame the code, blame the league.
Now I could adapt two of my three scripts to non scripting servers (the bhop and pistol script) just by using my mousewheel. I learned to bhop on the mousewheel. But I also have a different config and sensitivity whether I join marine or alien that is executed thru script. This, from what I understand, will be blocked. Then I am screwed, I either have to avoid these servers, learn to play with the same sensitivity, drop the console and change my sensitivity every time I join a team, or just quit ns altogether and the ns community loses another dedicated ns player that loves the game.
Well, on second thought, I suppose I could just bind one key to one sensitivity and another key to another. Still seems like too much trouble to just keep the ignorant non-scripting admins feeling safe in their little world.