Client Side Last Inv.
Join Date: 1970-01-01 Member:

Can someone explain this to me? I don't exactly understand what it means to be "client side" and why it helps. also, disect this down a bit and tell me what use it is anyways.
bind 1 "kk1a"
bind 2 "kk2a"
bind 3 "kk3a"
bind 4 "kk4a"
alias kk1a "kkslot1"
alias kk1b "kkslot1; bind q kk2a"
alias kk1c "kkslot1; bind q kk3a"
alias kk1d "kkslot1; bind q kk4a"
alias kkslot1 "slot1; bind 1 kk1a; bind 2 kk2a; bind 3 kk3a; bind 4 kk4a"
alias kk2a "kkslot2; bind q kk1b"
alias kk2b "kkslot2"
alias kk2c "kkslot2; bind q kk3b"
alias kk2d "kkslot2; bind q kk4b"
alias kkslot2 "slot2; bind 1 kk1b; bind 2 kk2b; bind 3 kk3b; bind 4 kk4b"
alias kk3a "kkslot3; bind q kk1c"
alias kk3b "kkslot3; bind q kk2c"
alias kk3c "kkslot3"
alias kk3d "kkslot3; bind q kk4c"
alias kkslot3 "slot3; bind 1 kk1c; bind 2 kk2c; bind 3 kk3c; bind 4 kk4c"
alias kk4a "kkslot4; bind q kk1d"
alias kk4b "kkslot4; bind q kk2d"
alias kk4c "kkslot4; bind q kk3d"
alias kk4d "kkslot4"
alias kkslot4 "slot4; bind 1 kk1d; bind 2 kk2d; bind 3 kk3d; bind 4 kk4d"
currently i use mwheelup for last inv w/o hud_fastswitch...
also. i made a marine and a alien cfg file, but how do i bind a key to execute each one? it auto execs my userconfig. i wanna bind "[" to marine and "]" to alien.
bind 1 "kk1a"
bind 2 "kk2a"
bind 3 "kk3a"
bind 4 "kk4a"
alias kk1a "kkslot1"
alias kk1b "kkslot1; bind q kk2a"
alias kk1c "kkslot1; bind q kk3a"
alias kk1d "kkslot1; bind q kk4a"
alias kkslot1 "slot1; bind 1 kk1a; bind 2 kk2a; bind 3 kk3a; bind 4 kk4a"
alias kk2a "kkslot2; bind q kk1b"
alias kk2b "kkslot2"
alias kk2c "kkslot2; bind q kk3b"
alias kk2d "kkslot2; bind q kk4b"
alias kkslot2 "slot2; bind 1 kk1b; bind 2 kk2b; bind 3 kk3b; bind 4 kk4b"
alias kk3a "kkslot3; bind q kk1c"
alias kk3b "kkslot3; bind q kk2c"
alias kk3c "kkslot3"
alias kk3d "kkslot3; bind q kk4c"
alias kkslot3 "slot3; bind 1 kk1c; bind 2 kk2c; bind 3 kk3c; bind 4 kk4c"
alias kk4a "kkslot4; bind q kk1d"
alias kk4b "kkslot4; bind q kk2d"
alias kk4c "kkslot4; bind q kk3d"
alias kk4d "kkslot4"
alias kkslot4 "slot4; bind 1 kk1d; bind 2 kk2d; bind 3 kk3d; bind 4 kk4d"
currently i use mwheelup for last inv w/o hud_fastswitch...
also. i made a marine and a alien cfg file, but how do i bind a key to execute each one? it auto execs my userconfig. i wanna bind "[" to marine and "]" to alien.
bind [ "exec marine.cfg"
bind ] "exec alien.cfg"
just make sure when you using those buttons that some buttons wont erase useful buttons for worthless crap.
Mine are bound to mouse2-5 so:
bind mouse2 slot2
bind mouse3 slot4
bind mouse4 slot3
bind mouse5 slot1
is what it looks like in my userconfig.cfg.
Another way to do it if you dont have a 5-button mouse (living in the stone age are we?) is - assuming you use default wasd movement:
bind q slot1
bind e slot2
bind c slot3
bind z slot4
then we'd have to:
bind r +use
bind t +reload
since we're bumping use out of the e slot.
Lastinv basically saves your last weapon used and then when you press the key it switchs to that weapon. Thats is what the script does. So if you press 1, then 2, and then q. It executes kk1a, which executes kkslot1, which binds 2 to kk2a. So when you press 2 it does slot2, rebinds and bind q to kkb1. So when you press q it switchs to slot 1, saving that you were on slot 2. If you don't understand it, try to think about how you would make a weapon switch script, and I think you will naturally come up with the same solution.
btw apoc chkchkchk = pho`tek
bind [ "exec marine.cfg"
bind ] "exec alien.cfg"
just make sure when you using those buttons that some buttons wont erase useful buttons for worthless crap. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--c1--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->//rine join script
alias "rine" "exec rine.cfg; wait; jointeamone;"
bind "f1" "rine"
//alien join script
alias "alien" "exec alien.cfg; wait; jointeamtwo;"
bind "f2" "alien"<!--c2--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->
<3 Romano's lastinv script.