Buildings Layout.

medquamedqua Join Date: 2004-05-04 Member: 28468Members
I need to know where to put the buildings(IP, armory, mines or TF if needed) in MS at the start of the game in veil, caged, eclipse and tanith.


  • AmplifierAmplifier Join Date: 2004-02-19 Member: 26708Members, Constellation
    You want to put buildings in places that you will be able to get out of the comm chair, and have perfect shots at something biting it (skulk).
  • ShotgunEdShotgunEd Join Date: 2004-01-02 Member: 24966Members
    There are so many combinations its impossible to say exactly where to put stuff.

    Tanith:- I usually put them on the lower floor lined up against the wall of the platform that the CC is on, with the arms lab in the corner next to the cc.

    Caged:- It is actually possible to fit everything you need around the CC apart from the PG and Proto lab. The PG goes on the thin narrow bit and the Proto can be placed in the grove next to it. There are plenty of alternatives here. IP's on the narrow bit and the rest of the buildings out in the square for instance.

    Eclipse:- Just keep the buildings hugging the walls.

    Veil:- Again hug the walls. A lot of people say place the armoury next to the wall opposite the steps and the IP at the top of the steps.

    As a general rule, try not to leave your buildings exposed build them next to walls.

    You could of course build everything around a TF and electrify the TF maybe 3-5 mins into the game.
  • medquamedqua Join Date: 2004-05-04 Member: 28468Members
    It would be too far from the TF besides it's very expensive to put an elec turretfactory in ms.
  • kiwikiwi Join Date: 2003-09-13 Member: 20803Members
    edited May 2004
    as the first guy says. i ussually try to place things so you can get out of the cc easily. i also put the 2 ips as far away from each other as posible. meaning if there is a skulk or fade in base. he cant just turn around 2 whack both ips. also the obs goes far away from the intrance to ms and in a place that is hard for the aliens to see/get to.

    if you wanna drop some turrets in ms. make sure they can cover all areas, but dont use more then 3.

    i never use turrets and seldome use mines in base.
  • Iron_MaidenIron_Maiden Join Date: 2003-09-24 Member: 21167Members
    mines covering ip ..

    PD: medqua feo! cc
  • 1st_kiseki1st_kiseki Join Date: 2004-05-26 Member: 28928Awaiting Authorization
    You want a fluid strat, generally it doesn't matter too much where you place your buildings as long as they are easily protectable and a skulk cant sneak in and take one out. I like to keep my IPs close to my comm chair, but the armory even closer. If you're playing with newbs, you might want to put your IPs behind the armory so that when they are humping, they can see skulks coming. Other then that it doesnt really matter.
  • AdmirableAdmirable Ireland Join Date: 2003-08-31 Member: 20410Members, Constellation
    I always try to place the IPs at the very edge of the building limit from the CC because they are low to the ground and won't block shots.

    Then I have my other structures around the walls and in the corners.

    I'd usually stick the armoury out in open ground, tho I find bunging it in a corner can reduce humping! <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    Mines are worthwhile imo, but not at game start, maybe a few minutes in.

    Good point about spacing the IPs out too, I usually don't do that, but it makes great sense <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • antigoodplayerantigoodplayer Join Date: 2004-05-05 Member: 28484Members
    edited June 2004
    IP's - as far away from the CC as possible, in the <u>open</u>, and preferably as far away from each other as possible to:

    a) stop a single skulk being able to cover both IP's and teh CC without moving

    b) give you a chance to hop out and drop the skulk eating the IP before he gets to you

    c) give spawning marines a chance to kill a skulk eating the IP - spawning in a corner or against a wall is never a good place to be.

    Armory - Usually in the centre of the base, again in the open so that more than 3 people can use it at the same time.

    Obs/Arms Lab/ProtoLab - In a corner opposite the CC so that if you get out of the chair to drop a skulk, you will have a perfect shot on him.

    PhaseGate - Usually in the centre of the room, near the armory to:

    a) give spawning marines time before the skulk eating the PG gets within biting range (trust me, the PG is <u>always</u> a primary target).

    ---Important Point---

    Every spot that is not visible when standing next to your CC should be mined. <u>Every</u> spot.

    I usually drop 2 packs of mines at the start of a game, 6 go around the IP and/or building blindspots, 1 behind the armory opposite the CC, the last one goes behind the base RT, hidden under the leg of the RT.

    Anything that comes in should either hit a mine, or be extremely vulnerable to anyone getting out of the chair.
  • kolokolkolokol Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9166Members
    You want them up against walls so there is no cover for aliens.
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