Pop-up menu and commander problems

EnsignMunroEnsignMunro Join Date: 2002-08-19 Member: 1196Members
I've been having problems with my right-click menu and commander mode. When I right-click to open the menu, nothing appears except grabled words in the upper-right of the screen... Secondly, when I go into commander mode, I cannot see my mouse, and there is something like a pick streak across the top and bottom of my screen that flicker every once in a while... If you have any idea how to fix these, it would be GREATLY appreciated...

Btw, I'm running a Pentium 4, Dell. GeForce2 MX 200 Video Mode set to software 800x600 resolution in-game

Another question, when I set it to OpenGL 800x600, it said that my video card couldn't support... IS that true? Do I need a new video card for it to really work?

Thanks millions of loads



  • UnknownUnknown Join Date: 1970-01-01 Member:
    I have something similar with the command menu thing, mine works however after i close it the command menu often stays on the screen, and doesn't dissapear
  • empharemphar Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2971Members
    I have the same problem.

    P4 1.5 ghz,
    Radeon 9700, 256 ram
  • little_gurulittle_guru Join Date: 2002-10-02 Member: 1409Members
    Natural Selection isn't compatible with software renderer mode.

    However you won't need to buy a new video card, as GF2MX200 and Radeon9700 can render in OpenGL (which is the recommended render mode for NS).

    If you've the message saying your card isn't supported, try reinstalling the drivers at first ( <a href="http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp" target="_blank">Nvidia Driver Download Page</a> for the GF2, <a href="http://mirror.ati.com/support/driver.html" target="_blank">Ati Driver Page</a> for the Radeon ) and then reinstalling Half-life.

    This should correct your problems
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