Crash When Quiting!

sean6sean6 Join Date: 2004-05-19 Member: 28754Members
<div class="IPBDescription">ive read the related posts!</div> about 1 in 3 times i quit NS, the game freezes. ive tried using "stopsound; quit" that seems to prevent it happening as often but it still happens sometimes. im running xp pro. anyway to record a log? or are there any suggestions from you guys on what i can try?


  • LOLyourFACELOLyourFACE Join Date: 2004-05-12 Member: 28628Members
  • sean6sean6 Join Date: 2004-05-19 Member: 28754Members
    i'd rather try to find out the problem before just reinstalling it.
  • BlueNovemberBlueNovember hax Join Date: 2003-02-28 Member: 14137Members, Constellation
    Do you get the same error when you disconnect before quitting?
  • billcatbillcat Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4903Members, Constellation
    I had this exact same issue, it went away after I did several things:

    -Installed beta4a.. Why run old crap?

    -Installed the latest nvidia drivers. Something new seems to come out each month and having the latest drivers can't hurt unless something breaks which I've never had nvida drivers do. Mebe I've just been lucky.

    -Moved my USB mouse and USB my keyboard onto different USB ports. my motherboard has 4 usb ports with 2 usb bridges, one on the front and one in the back, moving the mouse and the keyboard to different ports seemed to help reduce lockups due to interrupt conflicts but this may be voodoo.

    it's not clear from your post what sort of hardware you have or what version of NS you are running so I've no idea if those things will help or aren't related to your problem. give them a try tho.
  • sean6sean6 Join Date: 2004-05-19 Member: 28754Members
    edited May 2004
    sorry bout being vague - ive got the latest version of the game and ATI drivers. i do have a usb mouse and keyboard.

    one thing ive noticed is that - i have a five button muse and normally all five buttons work but every so often (in any mod) the extra 2 buttons wont operate.

    it can crash if i disconnect first or not. it freezes when i click exit or i type 'quit' in the console.
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