Lan c?

SynopticSynoptic Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4198Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Weird</div>Ok i aint connected to LAN or anything and every time i try to join a server, it says lan c or something ### like that, help me out! <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='::skulk::'><!--endemo-->  <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='::asrifle::'><!--endemo-->


  • WiwoWiwo Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2763Members
    Ah, yes.  Something along the lines of "Lan servers are only accessible by local clients (Code: C)", right?  The very same thing happened to me last night.  I rebooted my computer and the problem was gone, but I'd like to know how to be rid of it for good.  Obviously the servers are not actually on LANs, so I would surmise that the problem must be on the client end.  Thoughts anyone?
  • Sapporo1Sapporo1 Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 3819Members
    Actually, this most likely was a server problem and nothing to do with you (the client).

    When we setup an NS server on our Linux box, we were unable to join our server. We were getting that same error message. After verifying that sv_lan was set to 0 we tracked the problem down to the fact that our DNS was misconfigure on our server. So when the NS server started up it would try to connect to the WON Auth servers using a named server (eg Since the DNS wasn't working it would be unable to resolve that address and thus not connect to WON. Apparently when this happens the server automatically defaults to LAN mode.
  • AZodiacAZodiac Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3005Members
    NS requires that the server connects to the Valve WON servers.  If your DNS is not setup properly (i.e. you are getting this error described above).  You can either setup your DNS servers or go to the hlds_l/valve/woncomm.lst file and change all of the name servers to the ips.
  • ZuLZuL Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4361Members
    Umm... actually, when i try to create a normal, non-dedicated server, no one can join. Same thing if i try to connect to other peoples non-dedicated servers. They say they are LAN servers... i'm getting pretty annoyed that i cant make my own damn server.
  • cc_jujucc_juju Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3003Members
    I've been trying to run a non-dedicated server so a friend of mine and I can play around with it, but he still gets the error about LAN servers even though I'm authenticating with the WON servers just fine.  I'm not sure if this is related (I'm betting it is), but I never see any servers at all listed in the Internet Games menu in the client, though I'm reasonably sure there should at least be some locked or full servers or something, right?  I've already fixed the little bug with the desktop shortcut.. any ideas?
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