My praise shall be sung.

Ben128Ben128 Join Date: 2002-06-21 Member: 808Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">This game is eden..finally a happy gamer</div>HARK! thy name be dev, or playtester. Thyne hath maketh thee greatest mod of all tyme.

First off, this game is intense. It is just great. I found out I am addicted to being commander and am really decent at it so far. I played a four hour game almost of being the commander and man was it a blast. Being a marine is scary and fun as hec also.

The Aliens are just so fun I can not even beleive it. Nothing tops flying, teleporting(hard to do but worth it), or just wallwalking to get those pesky marines.

This game balance is the most perfect ever.
Even my friends 2200althlon duel, and 1.0g pc2100 ram could only manage a 8 person server with less than 100 ping. So thats why its laggy, because this game is soo great. There is just alot of stuff going on. So have an awesome server and you will be good to go.
The balace is perfect methinks, its just that the play styles are soooo different. Alot of people have a hard time grasping it. I had to teach marines how to play yesterday sa the commander. It was a really good feeling also. I was even giving tips to the aliens we were playing against.

Is there a way to switch teams ingame or am I just retarded?
Needs an autobalancing feature also.
But besides those two things I hit "retry" and switched to aliens and then took kinda "command" there and had people cover each other with healing sprays, expand to hives lay webs and offensive turrets and access upgrades. I had skulks with 30 armor in no time munching turrets and marines. I had them realize the beauty of hivesight and how nice it is with parasite. We used hit and run to an art and ###### that commander off bad. It was a blast. Then we got fades and onos's and it was over for the marines. Fades are very nice.

But in all. Once people learn how to play, the will realize how perfect the balace is. its just no-one has played a skulk before, and people dont read the manual, so it leaves them ###### off. Let them be, they will learn. And once better servers get out it will be all the better. And the game I was commander had 16?-20? people in it. That is hectic to say the least. But the alien game also had 14 and man was that fun. Just communicate people. And learn the map, and the tech tree, expand and be sneaky, or harass. This game is the best thing ever, ok, I am done.

My thanks is to the Dev team, the moderators(for your endless pateince with everyone), and the playtesters who made this game possible and so perfectly balanced.

Life is art, this game imitates life in that respect.


  • Relic25Relic25 Pixel Punk Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 39Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Yes, you can switch teams in the middle of a game by returning to the ready room (via your pop-up menu) and running through the other team join.
  • hArkhArk Join Date: 2002-01-26 Member: 92Members
    Well do you think he likes it <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • Ben128Ben128 Join Date: 2002-06-21 Member: 808Members, Constellation
    I just saw another post saying that the commander mode was "too hard to use". ha...hahaha....whauhahahahahahahahahahahahahah

    Ok. Ok, I feel better now. Commander mode is so simple, I let my girlfriend play, I had to pee like a race horse,(she plays the sims, never any RTS or ACTION), and she was giving out waypoints like a beas and laying down structures. They interface is spectacular. The maps are awesome(hehe relic). And the command interface is perfect, though ever after four hours of playing comm, even I did not know there was a "jump to last event" key? Wow, that would be handy as all get out.
  • DezmodiumDezmodium Join Date: 2002-10-23 Member: 1575Members
    Blessed be the bringers of Natural-Selection. May the Gods of good fortune always smile upon them.

    We're not worthy!
  • Ben128Ben128 Join Date: 2002-06-21 Member: 808Members, Constellation
    friends, playtesters, countrymen...lend me your ears. Today we must celebrate. A feast of candy is best. And the licorice shall flow like wine. Come, post and show your joy of the greatness that is NS.
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