The Falkland Wars

P-KhanP-Khan Join Date: 2003-05-27 Member: 16776Members
<div class="IPBDescription">What is England invaded Argentina?</div> I believe that several of you know what was the Falkalnd Wars. For those who don't, it was basically an Argentine takeover of a British island by the cost of Argentina, where the British mobilized over 100 warships to take over this island. Note that this confrontation happened during the 1980s.

Just wanted to know what you guys think that would have happened if England performed a full-scale invasion of Argentina in consequence of this. Or if by some miracle Argentina managed to make England retreat.


  • GunFodderGunFodder Join Date: 2004-02-15 Member: 26572Members
    Well, if they wanted too, England probably could've ran roughshod over Argentina in a month or two maximum. The southern Pampas of Argentina are fairly uninhabited and would've allowed for a quick an easy invasion of Commenwealth forces. Plus, Aussie, NZ and Canadian forces would've been able to send their troops quicker than any other war the Commenwealth has been in. With the southern argrarian area taken over, British forces could probably simply siege the northern, more populated part of Argentina, cutting of food supply by a large amount.

    Needless to say if they wished to invade, I'm sure it wouldn't have been hard. They certainly wouldn't have faced much opposition from the common people who were being oppressed by the regime at that time.

    Honestly, I couldn't imagine a scenario where Argentinian forces couldn't held the Falklands, especially with British air and sea superiority.
  • P-KhanP-Khan Join Date: 2003-05-27 Member: 16776Members
    Well, you see, the Falkland takeover was made to increase the popularity of the Argentine dictatorial rule. This actually worked, with a strong sense of nationalism taking over the Argentine people. I agree that it would be taken over by Britain, but I don't think it would have been so quick. Maybe 4 months of fighting, with the USA trying to solve this diplomaticaly.

    And even though Britain clearly had a superior army, the Argentine had some heavy resistance, taking down I think (not sure) about 5 British warships. Also, consider that the British troops sent there were sent mobilized quickly, as the Argentine troops had been training for this for some time now. So, the Argentine would be better prepared psycologically.

    And what about the economical and political consequences of the takeover? How would that affect things now a days?
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