The Skulk And The Marine

jamespsxjamespsx Join Date: 2003-10-16 Member: 21708Members
edited April 2004 in Kharaa Strategy
<div class="IPBDescription">A tale of leap and mis-aim...</div> Now I know countless topics have been posted about how to survive a HMG rine down a long hallway as a skulk... well this is another one lol

We all should know about the fact that u lazy "&!$"(% people are crap at aiming upwards as a marine... U know y? well i aint telling ya... that aint da point of this little guide...

Anyways, if u meet a marine toeting a HMG and the end of a long hallway or in a large area (like gen or cargo) then this is what u do with a certain number of hives...

1 Hive Skulks should; Stay on the ground strafing for a while, and when u c that line of bullets come towards u quickly jump onto a wall, run a tiny bit towards him, then jump of and do the same while trying to advance onto him all the time, speed and timing is everything when in such a desperate situation...

2 Hive Skulks should; Leap very high (almost aiming at ceiling above him). if u do this right, u will land (hopefully untouched) behind him. this will panic the marine and he will turn around to quickly and maybe jump, so what do u do? well its kinda obvious... nibble his toes before he can turn around, and if he starts whacking u down, leap up on ceiling above him and jump off directly onto his head... Or just use the leap/bite tactic, which works but ur kinda easy to kill cos u hurrtle towards the marine in a line...

3 Hive Skulks should; This doesnt change anything for a skulk, unless there is a group of marines in a long hallway, and if that happens do what u would as 2 hive skulk but instead of nibbleing his feet, xeno him and his amoury humping buddys...

These work 7/10 times for me, but if u are crap at doing any of these... ur more of a fade guy im betting (problem is there are too many fade guys out there... lol)

If u have any other stratagies and tactics for newb's and experienced vets to use then pls post them, heck whats the worst that could happen? get thrown in jail and l8r a guy comes in and beats u with waffles?<!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->


  • kolokolkolokol Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9166Members
    edited April 2004
    I can generally aim pretty good but if a skulk is moving upredictably its very hard. A great example is on ns_ayumi. I had a shotty and a skulk was coming to kill me. If hed come at me skulk. Instead he went for the wall and climbed up. Still fair play. However it was one of the corridors where there is a large pipe above the corridor and the skulk proceded to loop aroud this while i let off a few blasts and completely missed. Then the skulk dropped down and ate me. Moral of the story?...Its much harder to aim vertically and at unpredictable movement. I havent seen anyone who can track a vertically moving lerk.
  • BOBDololBOBDolol Join Date: 2003-10-04 Member: 21431Members
    yeah if the marine sux kthx
  • ANdreW1ANdreW1 Join Date: 2003-11-18 Member: 23125Members
    I can do it very easily. I can take many of the best skulks out there. I confuse marines even more by leaping AT them in close range, even the best marines get frantic. I still have to see someone try to kill marines like I do.
  • Swift_IdiotSwift_Idiot Join Date: 2003-01-05 Member: 11883Members
    <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Bind "ALT" +moveup

    Then leap onto the roof while holding ALT.

    HMGs kill skulks good. Xeno and ambushing is your only possible hope. Leap and bite is going to get you killed.</span>
  • jamespsxjamespsx Join Date: 2003-10-16 Member: 21708Members
    If u have xeno, do what i do and it can take out 4 in a row...

    Activate xeno, now ur a time bomb, quickly swap to leap and leap into a pack of marines (make sure u take them by suprise or they will own u on ur way over there) make sure marines cant hit u, and if u accidentaly get stuck in front of the group, leap up and leap directly down into middle... rmemeber ya gota do all this within a few seconds, so dont expect to master it in the first 10 goes...

    Off-topic: the lerk
    the lerk has become a combat class and not a support class... im not saying get rid of energy cost of flying thing, just bring bak spikes so that lerks can 'support' there fellow brothers form afar and maybe spore and umbra once in a while... thats what the lerk was made for, but its changed over a long period of time and it will slowly catch up with fades and onos... what a bumber lol
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