Part 2 of my story

JopsJops Join Date: 2002-09-13 Member: 1312Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Please tell me what you think</div>this is chapter 2 of my story, its here for download so lemmi know what you think and what it is like compared to part 1, thanx


  • JopsJops Join Date: 2002-09-13 Member: 1312Members
    Here it is on the forums for those of you too lazy to download it <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->

    Chapter 2

    Distant voices echoed in my ears as I sat in complete darkness. I had no idea where I was, a dark corridor stretching both ways forever. I could see things flash before my eyes while constantly there was the sound of footsteps getting closer.

    “Wh-who’s there?” I called out, but my just echoed away, who…wh…there…there…there…
    The footsteps all the while grew closer, they grew so close and so loud that my ears ached and twitched with each sensitive movement. I kept turning looking for a source, but everywhere I looked was just more darkness.
    “Hey there stranger,” a sudden voice said, it was icy crisp but hollow.
    I turned, a men dressed all in black stood before me. His face was a shadow but for a gleam I could see of a baldhead.
    “Who are you?” I asked and he smiled.

    “I’d pick up that gun if I were you,” he said and pointed to my feet. I looked down and saw a pistol lying there. I bent down and picked it up.

    “Look now.”

    I looked up. The man in black was gone but now I saw the giant bear like creature again. Its mouth was open and trails of saliva dripped from it. I pulled up my gun and fired, but found that there was no clip in it.

    “You’re going to have to do better than that,” the voice of the man said again but its source was unknown. I looked at my feet again and found a shotgun. I threw my pistol aside and picked that up and fired without aiming.

    “Help me.”

    I dropped the shotgun in horror as I saw Joseph Breckenridge lying in a pool of his own blood with a gaping hole in his stomach. I ran up to him and knelt beside him.

    “Why did you hurt me?” he asked looking at me with lidless eyes that were orange and red, I slowly stood up.

    “Why did you hurt me?” he asked again, I backed away slowly.

    “WHY DID YOU HURT ME!?!” he screamed, but I turned and ran.

    “WHY DID YOU HURT ME?!?!?” He called louder this time but his voice was trailing now as I left him behind.
    I ran and ran until finally I hit a dead end. The wall was brick but as I felt it, I found it to be smooth as glass. I looked closer at it and stepped back as strange red graffiti appeared:

    Look behind you

    I turned slowly in the direction I had come knowing full well what to suspect, and when I did I woke up…

    I jolted upright in a cold sweat.

    “Commander he’s awake.”

    I looked around me uncomfortably. I was in a large dimly lit room. It was composed of a series of deactivated COM panels and in its center was a small alcove where a marine sat. In fact there were several marines here. One was standing over me, his light machine gun in one hand, which pointed to the ground. His other he held out to me. I took the green metallic gauntlet and he helped me to my feet.
    The other marines looked at me; there were at least eight wearing an assortment of armor and carrying mismatched weaponry. I stared back at them still a little surprised of my surroundings. I quickly recalled the recent events and wondered if I had dreamed it…had I just dreamed? Funny I couldn’t remember anything but Look behind you. I shuddered.

    “Cold?” The marine who helped me up said, the name tag on his armor read Thomas Jacobson.

    “No, I just got a chill,” I said rubbing my arms.

    “Yeah I know, I’ve been getting a lot of that myself lately.”

    I watched as the marine in the alcove stood up and approached me. He was wearing standard infantry armor and carried no weapon. His helmet was off and as he stepped in the light (which was a series of light-stands set up in various parts of the room) I saw his face. A black haired brown eyed man with a grim face.

    “Are you feeling okay?” He stopped in front of me, “you had quite a nasty wound but doc fixed you up,” he gestured to the marine who had helped me up, “he was up all night making sure you were okay,” the other marine blushed under his helmet.

    “Yeah I’m find, who…what is going on?” I asked, and the marine dropped his head.

    “Come with me.” The black haired marine turned and walked towards a light source, and I followed up next to him, my back hurt a lot.

    “I’m commander Tommelson, I was the one helping you out along the way,” he said as he walked beside me.

    “I figured,” I said quietly, I felt a little embarrassed, “thanks for your help,” I laughed, “I never thought I would be saying that to a TSA.
    He laughed too. It helped cut the tension that was surrounding me like a blanket.

    “I knew you would make it through okay,” he sighed, “I just hope it was worth it.”

    “What do you mean?” I asked as we walked up to the light and stopped. Before me was a make ship armory. It was a destroyed console with an assortment of weapons ranging from combat knifes to grenade launchers, brand new as a matter of fact…

    Tommelson looked up at me. His face was tight and firm but his eyes were determined, he had a strong will.

    “What’s going on?” I asked again finding an ammo box to sit on. He did so as well. Tommelson sighed and looked right in my eye.

    “I don’t know if I can give you the full story,” he looked over at a marine standing guard at the armory and gave him a look. The marine nodded and walked away.

    “Two days ago we got a message from Mercury colony,” he said while wringing his hands nervously, “they said that they lost contact with Vertigan station, a research lab orbiting the planet.”

    “So they sent us in to check it out, we were stationed there and were prepped to leave anyway,” he continued, “we went on board and found the place empty, there was nothing, no one not a thing, everything was on,” he started adding off his fingers, “power, telescopes, chemical composites in the lab but not a soul to be found.”

    “We got on the horn and called for mercury colony, but there was no answer,” his face twitched slightly then he continued, “at first we thought it was atmospheric disturbance but then we found that it wasn’t. The station radio had been severed.”

    “I got hooked up in the bridge command center, and I sent a group of my men to go check out engineering,” he swallowed, “when they got there something attacked them, the squad commander got cut down with some type of acid, the whole room filled with a blue spray and these things came out and killed everyone in there.”

    “I didn’t dare send in another squad so I ordered my men back onboard our transport ship, but on the way there we were encountered by these things,” he started wringing his hands more quickly now, “it was a running firefight back to the ship, I lost three men on the way and when we got in we took off on a course back to earth.”

    “I didn’t even realize that they were on the outer hull gestating into something else…something bigger,” he uncoupled his hands and searched his pockets nervously for a cigarette, which he found and lit and after taking a long drag was calm once again, “We sent out warning messages to mercury colony and luckily they brought up their planetary shield just in time, but it wasn’t till we were halfway to mars, near ALPHAX colony that we had to stop,” he took another drag on his cigarette and continued, “we warned the colony but they thought we were crazy, and after getting re-supplied we left and continued back to earth, but it was by then that we discovered that they were on-board,” he puffed his cigarette again, “we fought all that night until finally we ran out of ammo, these things took over the command center and locked in our course back to earth, there was nothing we could do, we had a couple of fighters in the docking bay but they were one manned ships and I had over twenty marines to account for.”

    “For lack of ammo and supplies we robbed your ship,” I was surprised, “we didn’t know that you had weapons on board we just knew that you were a cargo freighter, but it was just as well, we took everything we could and re-supplied ourselves and while you were unconscious we took down a hive structure in the cargo bay,” he grimaced and this time took a very long drag on the cigarette surprisingly without coughing,  “and we thought that we had them and our only hope was getting back to earth…but we were wrong, another hive sprung up and we were attacked near your prison sector, there were things moving there…BIG things, and after guiding you through now here you are.”

    I was taking back by this story, not quite knowing what to say. Then I looked up at him and asked him, “but why did you want to save me, I’m just some scum weapons dealer, what is the purpose of keeping me alive.”

    He looked at me cautiously then averted his eyes, “the creatures took complete control of engineering, we can’t stop our flight to earth,” now he was looking In my eyes, “we need to turn self-destruct on and escape in your ship, and the reason your alive is because you’re the only person who can pilot it, it needs a damn voice recognition thing to pilot it,” his face was grim, “without you we are doomed, and without destroying the ship these ######## might take out earth.”

    I looked right back at him, “what do we do?”
  • Llama_KillerLlama_Killer Join Date: 2002-07-30 Member: 1029Members

    Great job keep up the great work! Just one thing it doesnt explain why they beat the **** out of the guy then why he went uncoinscious... Either that or you did and im just confused...
  • JopsJops Join Date: 2002-09-13 Member: 1312Members
    well he didn't beat him up, he shot him thinking it was the onos, Just some crazy dream sequence which I am hoping to link to other half of the story which btw is 1/4 done.

    I appreciate your kind words:)

    Edit: Wait are you talking about the protaginist who was beat up? No, the onos hurt him and the marine doc fixed him up, does that answer your question cause I'm confusing myself.
  • JopsJops Join Date: 2002-09-13 Member: 1312Members
    Oh boy I just got a great idea, can't wait for you guys to read it heh heh heh, my other part will be coming in soon- its the longest so it will take a little while longer, have patience!!!
  • Llama_KillerLlama_Killer Join Date: 2002-07-30 Member: 1029Members
    yep that answers my question! Cant wait for the next part!
    But now i have a new question! What program did you use for your animated gif and could I get linkage?

  • JopsJops Join Date: 2002-09-13 Member: 1312Members
    It only has a 15 day trail thing but it is worth it and its what I used <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--> Have fun

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • Llama_KillerLlama_Killer Join Date: 2002-07-30 Member: 1029Members
  • President_LincolnPresident_Lincoln Join Date: 2002-10-26 Member: 1612Members
    could i perhaps intrest you in buying a goat?
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