Vote Kick Abuse >> Please developers NERF it next update 275
Campuchia Join Date: 2015-01-31 Member: 201130Members

Recently im playing Natural Selection 2 , there is so many vote kick head towards new player
1/Green Commander want to learn >> vote kick
2/ Kill some guy 2-3 times (im not even on top score board ) >> Vote kick
3/New player joined a server and doing good >>> Some guy on other team start saying " He is Hacker >> Vote kick" >> And entire enemy team press F1 ( Yes ) =='
Lucky for me my teammate press F2 and ask "why vote kick him "
Some vote is close like 8/3 >> My team have 3 guy press F2 , but enemy team just want to kick for what ever reason they can think about
Lag , noob , no skill , kill/dead high >>> Whats wrong with these comunity ? I cant find any server with good ping so i have to play on high ping server =='
P/s : Can developers make next patch Count No-Vote Players as F2 ?
I feel dont want to play this game anymore when they can vote kick Other member of winning team
>> And made up something like " You Hack , i have spectate you for hole time " ..vvv
Edit by Ghoul: this is a forum, not a image-board! Please don't use gifs to illustrate your text
1/Green Commander want to learn >> vote kick
2/ Kill some guy 2-3 times (im not even on top score board ) >> Vote kick
3/New player joined a server and doing good >>> Some guy on other team start saying " He is Hacker >> Vote kick" >> And entire enemy team press F1 ( Yes ) =='
Lucky for me my teammate press F2 and ask "why vote kick him "
Some vote is close like 8/3 >> My team have 3 guy press F2 , but enemy team just want to kick for what ever reason they can think about
Lag , noob , no skill , kill/dead high >>> Whats wrong with these comunity ? I cant find any server with good ping so i have to play on high ping server =='
P/s : Can developers make next patch Count No-Vote Players as F2 ?
I feel dont want to play this game anymore when they can vote kick Other member of winning team
>> And made up something like " You Hack , i have spectate you for hole time " ..vvv
Edit by Ghoul: this is a forum, not a image-board! Please don't use gifs to illustrate your text

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I have been on the receiving end of unfair vote kicks myself. Somebody had been impersonating me over a long period and been trolling and making a lot of enemies. As a result I have experienced people starting vote kicks the second I joined the server. This is a different matter all together however.
I have been vote kicked because of hackusations and other similar accusations as well. But when that happens I simply tell my self, I'm too good to be playing against those guys anyway. I don't mean that in a sense of inflating my self or degrading those people, it's just realizing that my presence is ruining the fun for everybody, including myself.
So I know it's difficult to find servers in some regions these days, but do try and find another server anyway, because I have no doubt in my mind that you can find proper challenges in this game if you look for it.
Also, try joining gathers if you need a bit more challenge than what you find in pubs.
THanks but in live in Asia >> im just a new player but thank you anyway , im not that good to be "competitive"
*snip* Edit by Ghoul: watch your tone please.
So im reallly want developers :
1/ Disable vote kick ( AFK players after 30 min or something will be auto kick - but not vote by players )
2/Make vote for players who not press F2 is count as No Vote
3/ Cant Start Vote kick after game start ( Vote map change or Reset still OK) :P
Vote kick needs to be reserved for toxic and hacking players.
That is actually how it works now.
You don't need more Yeses than Noes, you need more Yes votes than half the number of players.
That is why the vote requires a certain amount of Yes votes to succeed and the opposite votes doesn't change anything
And that's kinda the reason we came up with the change of counting 25% of the players who didn't vote at all as potential yes votes.
This change will make it easier to pass votes like "FET" on servers with a lot new/lazy/afk players. But it will only affect those votes with a majority of yes votes and none of the others.
Overall i never liked the "kick vote" but it is indeed a needed feature at servers which are not maintained by any human at all.
Of course it can be "exploited" and kicking dominating players (cheating or not) is quiet common in most games these days. Thats what happens if you "give the power to the people"
So the result: Play on servers with active admins and moderators! Those have disabled the kick vote in most cases. It's totally up to you.
Because if you continue to play on servers even so they have features you don't like, why should they change? Why should they invest the time to actively maintain their server etc ?
I'll fight to keep this feature in the game until my dying breath, so that your well known "friend" never has free reign over any poor server with honest players.
I didn't know that, thanks for the info. Seems a good improvement
Btw i noticed some time ago that when people leave the server during a vote, the required amount of Yes votes is reduced, but the actual needed number is not updated in the screen
but when happens in the opposite way, everything works fine (people joining -> the number increases)
I know about whats right :
Feels like enemy team is "Middle-DarkAge Witch hunt >> When they can point at anyone they hate ( high kill/dead ) and say "Kill the Witch :P" . You cant stand any chance againts those pathetic gamers
2/ Idle- AFK player >> Yes , this is like in Teamfortress 2 >> Except IDLE server
3/Any multiplayers game like Counter Strike , Left4Dead ..vvv have Vote kick , but if your team are in Middle-combat ,and enemy team keep spam vote kick >> They cant have time to look at vote and press key
So Valve games make players have no time to press vote is count as No >> They have updated it on any Steam games
when their team win >> they brag about it and say "GG"
When their team losing >> vote kick anyone that in top 1-2 on winning team scoreboard
And start to "excuse about their pathetic lost" >> "you have no life " "hacker" "nerd" "you just lag noob"
If i move my house near USA or Russia , i will show them even with "good ping" they still lose againts me :P
but @IronHorse have his point , kick hacker is good >> but you cant "Witch hunt" and kick everyone that have high kill/dead >> And made up "non-sense reason" to kick
DOTA 2 Every day story bro ! GG WP >>> Losing : "" ,"" "ha ha lol you just noob":^^
But you wouldn't do that I'm sure, because besides being weird, that would make your accused hacker "friend" ... well, you?
so you just want vote kick for no reason ?
Whenever someone accused me of hacking (mostly aimbot or wallhack) I tried to make the player understand why he just got killed by me so he can learn from the mistake.
In case of aimbot accusation the problem is most of the timesengaging a player that has the positional advanteage.
In case of wallhacking accusation new palyers often sit in the most obvios spots that every experienced palyer checks or makes noise.
That way people can learn from their mistakes...
But NO >> People when i explain to them >> They just keep accuse " Oh you 100% hack , i have spectate you =='"
Even if my team explain for them : " This is how the game works , its not un-ballance , its commander upgrades .vvv" >> They just keep want to kick other team for them to win
They dont want to learn from mistake >> They want to Win so thank you , im just want to see how developers handle this ( now @IronHorse i think he is developers and dont want to LISTEN to new player )
Or the game NS2 will keep stay this way >> I can play Teamfortress 2 , DOTA2 ( Unknow Worlds is not the only one who can made good video games you know ? )
A man from year 10,000 B.C. examining a modern Iphone, would likely conclude that this piece of technology is "magic", and perhaps even evil.
Clarke's third law: This applies to skill as well I think.
If there's a significantly large skill gap between the opponent and you, then it is indistinguishable, to that person, of whether you're hacking.
So, why do you want to play against this person?! Leave. Find someone who is closer to your skill level.
I am sure IronHorse is lsitening to you. But from his experience (and the experience of other players with thousands of hours playing NS2, like me) this is not a problem since the NS2 community has always been a lot more friendly than in most other games (like TF2 or dota2 probably).
Then how i can find them when i have to play with 300+ ping ? Competitive ?
Please.... Even in CSGO or Teamfortress 2 you can match making and find servers in close Asia region ( Taiwan - Singapore these countries have the best example of Internet quality so far in Asia )
Im play NS2 is for fun , but its seem people only want " Competitive - Vote kick " as far in this " Friendly Comunity"
You play NS2 with a smurf account. You keep bragging about your skills here, upload screenshots only of you dominating a score list, notable mention to the one with a ridiculous ping on designated [Low-Ping] servers while having your rookie-flag turned on. You wonder why people vote-kick you, while other, clearly superior players like Anzestral don't seem to have this issue, and now you blame it on the community?
Did you ever consider that it's not because people are jealous - but because of you and your ignorant, egocentric & self-aggrandising behavior?
So I'm closing it before something happens we all regret afterwards.
If you want to debate about this topic in a "suited tone" feel free to open another thread