
Is this the yearly sign-in glich on the SN Officall Club?


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  • 2 years ago the dev's suggested that you set the XB for a cold start(ECO start).
    The also said to press and hold the on\off for 10-20 seconds. That usually works for me.
  • I also have started playing again. My earliest save was May 2017. But I guess I knew what to expect with Update 84 because I started to play the Jan 2018 release in Feb 2018 on a laptop. Well done Dev's. I have been able to blast off on PC at just o…
  • It is the 1st distress call received. LP3 has the broken sea glide. LP3 is about 300M to the NNW of the NW corner of the Safe Shallows at 10M depth.

  • Have you found LP3? Continue past LP3 and you will find the floating Keys (think Florida) (Must visit wreck with external Data Box, 2 or 3 internal at 200M) you will eventually find the 'Gun Enforcement Platform ' on the Mountain Island.
  • You are talking about the far SW entrance to the LR (600M); about 300M from LP2; stay on the East side of the cave, or move to the acid-fall and hover. Use Exo to gather materials. The ghost will keep attacking the Exo or the moth.
    This is the…
  • Back on XB1 I Put My XB1S away, I'll wait 4 Scorpio.

    Ok, about the Cyclops Fabber, I think that the fabber is still the old one until the 'Silent Running'
    update is realeased, but I may be wrong.

    Oh, BTW reloading SN do…
  • I apologize to everyone for my previous rant.
    l have seen many, many specific issues not addressed by updates.
    Sometimes they can 'sneak' a fix in between updates.

    The Devs seem to include content in the updates that advance …
  • Hi guys/gals.
    I am not in any way connected to the Developers or UW.
    But I started software programming in 1970.
    No that's not a mistake, 1970!
    Yes they were very large machines.

    We, the users have an incredible o…
  • he's the only 1 with this problem or we would know.
    I suspect hardware issues. I have a white controller with a sticking LB.
    the controller was bought with the XB1S in late Nov.
    or he's trolling us
  • Well, try updating and starting a new save.
    Buuut, try another XB if you're worried about problems with the updates.
  • IDK, it's early release for XB, I started the game in Dec.
    XB release is behind PC by several updates.
    Look on this forum for info from advanced players and Devs.
  • Builder help;
    Can you build a foundation?
    Select the builder
    Press RT, the foundation is already selected
    Look down and swim to the seabed
    When the 'image' turns green,
    Press 'A' to build it.
    Practice on an …
  • XB1S F;
    The Quarantine Enforcement Platform (QEP) can be accessed by,
    1. The Beach
    2. The Moon Pool (MP) at about 100M Depth (MD).
    You will need 3 Purple keys for the,
    1. Beach Gate
    2. Control Room …
  • From what I recall about Lucas Films, they have a lot of money and better lawyers.
    Personally, I wouldn't risk it.
  • The Cyclops and the player need a safe haven Why take that away?

  • XB1S F;
    I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned that the 'Base-Attached-Air Pump' (BAAP) doesn't
    appear in the selection for placement nor as a completed item.
    I can build one on a moonpool or a Multi-Purpose Room and even attach a stri…
    in Bugs On Xbox Comment by Shotout May 2017
  • As mentioned before, set the XB for an "ECONO" start in settings.
    Just an hour ago, 17:00 PST, I tried to load a save and the loading screen with the crashing Aurora did
    not load.
    I used the 'White X button' to quit and restarted S…
  • Don't delete the cloud saves, or like myself you'll have to disable the sync to play SN at all.
    I've had NO Cloud SAVES at all ever since the 'Infected' update.
  • The PRAWN Arm malfunctions have been around since Jan 2017 I think.
    I just never, ever never, mount the Grappling Arm, or try to move an arm after mounting it.
    I've only used the Torpedo Arm once in Dec 2016.
    I haven't used the 'Pr…
  • Very interesting, I guess that when you're the King you usually get what you want.
    I'm only related to Henry XIII a few gerations later by marriage through Catherine and Ann Bolin?
    Both lost their heads. I really want to go see the famil…
    in random fact Comment by Shotout May 2017
  • Thanks I have several ext USB 3 drives, I'll swap 1 to test methodology.
  • Just curious about the technical aspects;
    Are we talking RPMs, access time, throughput, on board drive buffers (oops that was IDE)?
    A Motherbord limitation?

    I've been looking at ways to double or triple my internal HD from .5…
  • yep, after further thought I realized that if a hundred meters was 339 feet, well...
  • XB1S F;
    Two things,
    1. Using luggage nesting, all other luggage disappeared including contents of 1st luggage nested.
    Attemped Mitagation,
    After leaving the Aurora the first time,
    I did not save again (at LP5) until rem…
  • XB1S Freedom;
    Take out the Depth (pressure?) Compensator and remount it, you'll have to do this every time you
    reload save. PRAWN also.
  • The error message returned was;
    "Save data loading failed (array index is out of range)"

    This similar to errors I would get with IBM Assembler or MS VB when the Program (PGM) tried to address
    memory outside of the execution b…
  • XB1S F;
    It's been over 45 years since I had Freshman Physics (F=MA) but I thought a meter was 3.39 feet?
    Let's, 3*5=15, hmmm... carry the 1 uhhh. OK, I was always better at calc, especially when I got to
    Statistics, Calculus starte…
  • XB1S F;
    It happened to me just in the last few minutes,
    I was on the forum so long that SN lost 'focus'
    I turned off XB and failed to sign in into XBLive.
    I restarted XB and SN brought up the main menu.
    I think I'm havi…
  • XB1S F;
    I've read other posts from players having similar issues,
    but in my case, I let the save complete before I end the game.
    I am pretty sure that when you begin another activity, SN loses 'focus', or any game for that matter.<…
  • XB1S F;
    Are you talking about the 'press menu' screen?
    There are times when SN or even WOT won't start.
    In my case, something unusual has happened, like a very long, long 'saving'
    duration, or I exit the Moth or the Cyclops a…