(unrelated to cache fix) Potential Fps Fix for Old save went from 30 to 50-60 fps

AllAloneSadAllAloneSad Join Date: 2017-01-09 Member: 226431Members
this is originally from Steam discussion and a steam user suggested me to post it here for bug report.

Original post on steam:

Title: not cache but found fix 30 fps to 50-60 fps

i have gtx 1060 and there is no way why this game is at 30 fps
it was never like this when i started
GPU CPU usage are lower on old save and higher on new save
it felt fishy when i started a new different game save, i had 60-70 fps
but had 30-40 fps on my old save
i tried to delete cache and still same for old save
its around 30 fps everywhere where i go
now i found a fix

its those alien containment
i had 3 story tank with bunch of ampeel
and 3 more 2 story tanks with reginalds

it has to do with the game rendering fishes in your base
my theory is that the game render your base even when you are far away
this means the game has to render all those hundreds of reginals and
dozen ampeels while you are exploring
especially for ampeels, since the game has to
render that complicated model of the fish with dozens of them colliding at each other in tank

removing those alien containment improved my fps from 30 to 50+
mostly staying at 55 fps

currenly i only have 2 1 story tank with reginald and other one empty


  • AllAloneSadAllAloneSad Join Date: 2017-01-09 Member: 226431Members
    have found few of the culprits among those fishes that lower FPS
    have hatch eggs and tested their FPS with or without them in base

    my FPS around my base is 65-70 with only 20 reginalds inside

    currently using experimental
    some cases where so severe i went down to 10 fps testing these out

    if you want to test, spawn egg via command and do daynightspeed 200 to hatch them very fast

    3 story containment

    more than 5 Ampeel - 10-20 FPS hit
    more than 5 Crabsnake - 10-15 FPS hit
    more than 5 Stalker - 10-15 FPS hit
    more than 5 sand shark - 10-15 FPS hit
    more than 5 Jellyray - 10-15 FPS hit
    more than 5 rabbit ray - 5-10 FPS hit

    on 1 story containment

    2 ampeel - 5-10 FPS hit
    2 jellyray - 3-6 FPS hit
    2 rabbit ray - 1-3 FPS hit
    10 reginald - 1-3 FPS hit
    10 peppers - 1-3 FPS hit
    10 bladder - 1-5 FPS hit

    one time in test i had 5+ ampeel crabsnake stalker jellyray and absolutely destroyed my FPS to mere 5-10
    so it appears the more complicated the fish's model is the more Fps hit, especially those elongated body ones
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
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